Monday, April 28, 2008

printer offline after install "windows 2003 service pack 2"

Windows 2003 Service Pack 2 - Win2003 SP2 Changed SNMP handling for

To resolve this (solution / troubleshoot) :
1. check if your printer's SNMP is working properly.
2. Go to Printers and Faxes folder
3. File - Server Properties
4. Goto Ports Tab
5. Click the offline Port
6. Configure Port
7. Uncheck "SNMP Status Enable"
8. OK

This will turn off SNMP query
Then set the printer to always Online.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Winamp Toolbar for Firefox


If you installed the add ons, it will crash your firefox.
Firefox will never show up. Only run in the background.

If you uninstall Firefox and winamp.
The add ons still can't be removed from Add/Remove programs.
Even if you reinstall winamp/firefox, the problem still exist.

Workaround / solution.

You must have firefox to uninstall winamp toolbar add on.
Run firefox in safe mode.
Go to RUN.
Write : firefox -safe-mode
Check all option. (disable and reset firefox).
After you are able in opening firefox.
Uninstall all add ons.
Restart PC.
Hope your firefox gonna be alright.

Somteimes the problem is in firefox safe mode that can't be opened.
In this case, sorry to hear that.
You are unable to use firefox anymore.
Just wait for later update from winamp or firefox.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Situs pemerintah untuk pembuatan PT, CV, Organisasi Sosial dsb

Situs resmi Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum (AHU) ini akan
menampilkan Informasi tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan
Pelayanan dan Penyelenggaraan Hukum serta Undang-undang di wilayah
Negara Republik Indonesia, sehingga publik bisa mengikuti, mempelajari
dan menela'ah hasil dari produk-produk yang telah dan akan dihasilkan.

Profesional adalah motto serta tujuan dari pengelolaan situs ini, dengan
demikian anggapan bahwa Instansi pemerintah tidak dapat membuat situs
yang profesional dapat tersingkirkan, mudah-mudahan dimulai dari
penampilan di situs yang profesional ini produk-produk hukumnyapun akan
dijalankan secara profesional juga.

Informatif, disamping produk hukum Situs ini memuat kandungan database
tentang data-data perusahaan, data dan informasi Notaris, data
organisasi Profesi dan Organisasi Sosial dengan aneka ragam penunjang
nya yang selalu baru dan terpercaya.
Sehingga pengguna bisa langsung mendapatkan manfaat yang besar setelah
berkunjung di situs ini.

Registrasi Badan Hukum, merupakan pokok bahasan dari Situs ini, dan
untuk memasuki gerbang ini pengguna harus mendapatkan ijin dari
Pengelola Situs (dalam hal ini Ditjen AHU) kecuali anda sebagai Notaris
atau pemohon Pendirian AKTA yang telah terdaftar. Silahkan pergunakan
Fasilitas yang ada, sehingga pekerjaan akan lebih mudah dan efektif.


SIMINBAKUM adalah Sistem Administrasi Badan Hukum yang merupakan
sebuah sistem komputerisasi pendirian Badan Hukum yang akan di terapkan
di Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia.

SISMINBAKUM akan mempercepat proses pembuatan serta memperbaiki
sistem pendokumentasian



SISMINBAKUM dibuat berdasarkan kebutuhan dan tuntutan yang
berkembang di masyarakat dan kalangan pebisnis di Indonesia. Jika dengan
memakai sistem yang ada sekarang maka kendala waktu masih menjadi hal
yang memberatkan karena seluruh prosedur dilakukan secara manual, untuk
sebuah Surat Keputusan Pendirian Badan Hukum diperlukan waktu sekitar 4
sampai 6 bulan atau lebih.
Kondisi ini dikarenakan banyaknya jumlah permohonan yang masuk, sebagai
ilustrasi pada bulan November 2000 sampai Februari 2000 terjadi
tunggakan pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan sebanyak 15.000 buah
permohonan !


Keamanan data para pemohon dan Badan Hukum dijamin dengan adanya
sistem Keamanan SISMINBAKUM dimana setiap notaris diberikan User Id dan
yang berbeda.


SISMINBAKUM merupakan sebuah sistem yang memiliki tingkat
kecermatan yang tinggi sehingga menjamin SK yang dikeluarkan sesuai
dengan peraturan yang ada. Database SISMINBAKUM memuat seluruh Badan
Hukum yang ada di Indonesia yang dengan mudah dapat di akses melalui
jaringan komputer.


Reformasi, telah merubah segala pandangan masyarakat terhadap
pelayanan Negara untuk warganya, hal ini meliputi trasparansi atau
SISMINBAKUM menciptakan sebuah kondisi yang dimasa lalu tidak mungkin,
melihat dengan jelas seluruh proses perjalanan pembuatan SK Pendirian
Badan Hukum. Maksud dan tujuan Pengadministrasian proses Pendirian dan
Perubahan Badan hukum (terbuka maupun tertutup) di Indonesia, kedalam
suatu Bank Data (Database) sehingga akan meningkatkan kinerja Ditjen
Kumdang khususnya dibidang pelayanan masyarakat.

1. Pembuatan Program Aplikasi berbasis Web Base (Internet) dalam rangka
mendukung pengadministrasian Badan Hukum tadi sehingga proses akan
mudah, cepat dan mutakhir.

2. Sistem Prosedur yang disesuaikan dengan Alur kerja jalannya sistem
sehingga sistem bisa didayagunakan secara maksimal.

3. Proses Registrasi pengguna jasa Badan Hukum di Departemen Kumdang
khu-susnya di Ditjen Kumdang akan memer-lukan waktu yang relatif cepat
dan akurat disebabkan karena proses telah dikomputerisasikan.

4. Pendayagunaan data oleh semua pihak yang terkait (Departemen Hukum
dan Hak Asasi Manusia, instansi lain, Notaris dan masyarakat) sesuai
dengan kewenangan yang disediakan.

Di halaman kenotariatan ini anda dapat mencari data dan informasi
notaris yang anda inginkan sesuai dengan kriteria yang anda cari.

Data dan informasi notaris dapat dicari berdasarkan kriteria :

Data Notaris per Kota
Data Notaris per Kotamadya
Data Notaris per Kabupaten
Data Notaris per Propinsi
Data Notaris terdaftar di BAPEPAM sampai Maret 2001 (pdf file)

dan dibagi atas beberapa sub-kriteria pencarian data.

Hal ini disebabkan banyaknya jumlah notaris yang terdaftar di
Sisminbakum, yang akan mempersulit pencarian data dan juga akan memakan
waktu yang lama. Dengan adanya pengelompokkan tersebut semoga pada saat
mencari data dan informasi notaris akan mempermudah dan mempercepat
pencarian data.

* Informasi
Apablia data dan informasi notaris yang anda cari tidak ada,
notaris tersebut tidak mendaftar di Sisminbakum.
Notaris yang terdapat disini hanya merupakan Notaris yang telah
mendaftarkan diri untuk mengikuti program Sisminbakum.

Di halaman perusahaan ini anda dapat mencari data dan informasi
perseroan yang anda inginkan sesuai dengan kriteria yang anda cari.

Data Perusahaan yang terdaftar di Sisminbakum dibagi menjadi 3 bagian
yaitu :

Data Perusahaan sebelum Sisminbakum ( sistem manual )
Data Perusahaan Sisminbakum ( sistem online )
Data Perusahaan Global

Hal ini disebabkan adanya perubahan sistem dari sistem manual ke sistim
komputerisasi (sistem online) yaitu SISMINBAKUM yang nantinya ke 2
bagian data perusahaan tersebut akan di validasi terlebih dahulu untuk
digabungkan menjadi satu database.

Pada saat ini data-data perusahaan lama tersebut dalam tahap pembenahan
data untuk disatukan dengan data master perusahaan di Sisminbakum.

* Informasi
Apablia data perusahaan lama dan data perusahaan Sisminbakum
telah terintegrasi, kami membutuhkan peran serta anda sebagai pemilik
perusahaan untuk memperbaharui data tersebut (updating data) yang
nantinya akan berguna untuk masyarakat apabila nantinya mencari data,
informasi dan profile perusahaan saudara.

Permasalahan dengan User Id. atau password silahkan email ke
Divisi Keuangan


(021) 5223450 (HUNTING)

09.00 - 16.00

12.00 - 13.00 (SENIN - KAMIS)
11.30 - 13.30 (JUMAT) .

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

cuma yahoo lagi ada update system besar2an.
jadi sistem database mereka lagi ke ganggu.
ignore aja.
bbrp hari lg beres kok.
tp anehnya, knp lama yaa.
apa sistemnya yahoo lg boong yaa..??
terdeteksi di  :
- mailing list
- mail




Yep, it's a bug and usually happens during an upgrade and MySQL. It happens because Field_datetime:save_in_field() is reporting a failure because the data data is invalid. Convert_constant_item() will not function correctly and results in a comparison of the 'dt' field against binary string '9999-99-99 etc' rather than the datetime of '0000-00-00 00:00:00′.

Long story short, you end up with between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99 which defines dates and indicates the start of the creation until the end of the time.

  • 12 hours ago




If you have a Yahoo email account, you may notice between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99 at the bottom of the message. It's a bug and usually happens during an upgrade and MySQL. It happens because Field_datetime:save_in_field() is reporting a failure because the data data is invalid. Convert_constant_item() will not function correctly and results in a comparison of the 'dt' field against binary string '9999-99-99 etc' rather than the datetime of '0000-00-00 00:00:00′.

Long story short, you end up with between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99 which defines dates and indicates the start of the creation until the end of the time. For those that care, here are date details.

0000-00-00 - Special value used by programmers
AD 1 - Start of Christian Era (Roman Year 753)
1325 - Aztec Calendar
1582 - Gregorian Calendar (Solar- 400th year not leap)
1582-10-15 - Lilian Day 1
1752 - British Government (including American colonies) adapt Gregorian calendar
adopts Gregorian Calendar
1900 - Start of IBM/360 64 bit clock
1901-01-01 - Start of Lotus/Spreadsheet world
1904 - Start of original Apple Mac clock
1918 - Soviet Union adopts Gregorian Calendar
1920 - Current Start of Apple Mac World
1949 - Communist China adopts Gregorian Calendar
1960 - IBM/360
1966 - Elysia/933
1970 - IBM/370
1971 - IBM Clock rollover
1972-08-16 - 9999 days to 2000 (OS catalog corrupts)
1979-02-01 - Interface Age, Bob Bemer article
1980 - IBM 4300
1980-08-01 - MS DOS Default startup date (Zero date)
1986-06-30 - Deadline 2000 starts
1986-07-21 - Deadline 2000 ends
1986 - ANSI X3.30 defines YYYYMMDD standard
1987 - MVS SVC11 changes
VM IPL 01/01/00 to 2000
1988-07-30 - FIPS 4-1 YYYY standard in effect
1988 - ISO 8601 defines YYYY-MM-DD standard (but also allows 2 digit forms)
1991 - Chris Anderson writes about 4 digit years in MSDOS
1995 - Peter de Jager - Datamation on the air
US Congress Technical Committee
IBM announces Year 2000 ready ESA
1996-01-01 - UNISYS 8bit clock rollover
Datamation Year 2000 issue
1996 - US Congress subcommittees
1996-11-06 - begins
1996-11-15 - First "More Y2k Links" report
1996-11-19 - on the air
1996-12-13 - IBM announces VSE/ESA2.2 Y2k ready
1997-01-01 - Datamation Year 2000 issue
1997-03-18 - New York Stock Exchange trades on de Jager Index
1997-04-07 - 999 days to 2000 (catalogs?)
1997-10 - US Government Progress Reviews
1998-08-19 - Global Y2k Awareness Day
1998-12 - US Government deadline for Mission Critical apps
1999-01-01 - US Government deadline
1999-02-26 - SA Government Gazette on local government
1999-08-21 - GPS EOW 10bit counter rollover
99-09-09 - Special value used by programmers
1999-12-31 - PC BIOS Tickover problem:
Set the clock early!
Public Holiday in South Africa
Party Time
99/365 - End of Pseudo Julian world
99-99-99 - Special Value used by programmers
2000-01-01 - Last year of the 20th Century
Overflow of 2 digit years causes Meltdown?
2000-01-03 - Public Holiday in South Africa
2000-1-10 - First 9-character date
2000-02-29 - Leap Year
2000-10-10 - First 10 character date
2000-12-31 - 366th day of 2000
2001-01-01 - Start of 21st Century
2001-01-01 - Overflow Tandem Systems
2001-09-08 - Unix date 999,999,999
2006-08-08 - JC 350 Overclock
2010-01-01 - Overflow ANSI C library
2019 - Original Apple Mac end of world
2034-09-30 - Overflow Unix time function
2038-01-19 - UNIX signed 32bit timer rolls over
2040 - Current Apple Mac end of world
2042-09-18 - IBM 64bit clocks rolls over
2099 - MSDOS x86 (FAT 7 bit year) end of world
2100-01-01 - Not a leap year
2101-01-01 - Start of 22nd Century
3000-01-01 - Not a leap year
9999-99-99 - Special value used by programmers



Thursday, April 10, 2008

Error Code in Exchange Server

Error code in solving exchange delivery email problem.

* Numeric Code: 4.2.2

Only available in Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2 or earlier. See 5.2.2
* Numeric Code: 4.3.1

Possible Cause: This code may be caused by resource problem such as a
disk full condition. This code may also occur if your Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) queue is on a File Allocation Table (FAT)
partition and the service has reached a Windows-imposed limit on the
number of concurrent file handles that can be opened by the SMTP
Service. In this case, instead of receiving a disk full error, you might
be receiving an out of memory error.

Troubleshooting: Make sure you have sufficient disk storage, and try to
operate your Exchange Transport queues on an NTFS partition.
* Numeric Code: 4.3.2

First Available: Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1

Possible Cause: The message was not delivered because of Administrator
action through the queue viewer interface in Exchange System Manager.
* Numeric Code: 4.4.1

Possible Cause: The host is not responding.

Troubleshooting: This code may be caused by transient network
conditions. Exchange will automatically try again to connect and deliver
the e-mail. If delivery still fails after multiple tries, a permanent
failure NDR will be generated.
* Numeric Code: 4.4.2

Possible Cause: The connection has been dropped between servers.

Troubleshooting: This code may be caused by transient network issues or
servers that are down. The server tries to deliver the message for a
specific time period, and then generates additional status reports.
* Numeric Code: 4.4.6

Possible Cause: The max hop count was exceeded for the message. This
code may also occur if a loop situation exists between a sending server
and a receiving server that are not in the same organization. In this
scenario, the message bounces back and forth until the hop count is

Troubleshooting: The max hop count property is set for each virtual
server, and you can manually override this setting (the default setting
is 15 for Exchange 2000 Server and 30 for Exchange Server 2003).
Additionally, look for any situations that could cause loops between
* Numeric Code: 4.4.7

Possible Cause: The message in the queue has expired. The sending server
tried to relay or deliver the message, but the action was not completed
before the message expiration time occurred. This NDR may also indicate
that a message header limit has been reached on a remote server or that
some other protocol timeout occurred during communication with the
remote server.
Troubleshooting: This code typically indicates an issue on the receiving
server. Verify the validity of the recipient address, and verify that
the receiving server is configured to receive messages correctly. You
may have to reduce the number of recipients in the header of the message
for the host that you are receiving this NDR from. If you resend the
message, it is placed in the queue again. If the receiving server is on
line, the message is delivered.
* Numeric Code: 4.4.9

First Available: Exchange Server 2003

Possible Causes: This code indicates that a temporary routing error
occurred or that a bad routing configuration exists. This issue may
occur in one or both of the following scenarios:
* A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) connector is configured
to use DNS without a smart host and is also configured to use a non-SMTP
address space such as an X.400 address space.
* A message was sent to a recipient who was identified as a member
of a routing group that was deleted.
Troubleshooting: If the problem persists, use the WinRoute tool to
examine the routing groups in the tree view pane, and then examine the
address spaces of the route that the problem message takes. For more
information about the WinRoute tool, click the following article number
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
281382 ( How to use the WinRoute
* Numeric Code: 4.6.5

First Available: Exchange Server 2003

Possible Causes: This code occurs when conversion of an inbound SMTP
failed because the code page that is specified in the message is not
installed on the receiving server. This delivery status notification
contains only the original message headers. None of the original content
is provided.

Troubleshooting: View the MIME of the original message. Make sure that
the required language files are installed on the server that is
receiving the message.
* Numeric Code: 5.0.0

First Available: All numeric codes that were first available with
Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1 (4.3.2, 5.4.0, 5.4.4, and 5.5.0) were
classified as 5.0.0 in Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1 and earlier.

Possible Causes:
* There is no route for the specified address space. For example,
an SMTP connector is configured, but this address does not match.
* DNS returned an authoritative host that was not found for the
* The routing group does not have a connector defined. Mail from
one server in one routing group does not have a route to another routing
* An SMTP protocol error occurred.
1. Correct the address space, or add an address space of type SMTP
with asterisk (*) value to one or more SMTP connectors.
2. Verify that DNS is working correctly.
3. Make sure that the routing groups have connectors that connect
4. If you are running Exchange 2000 without Service Pack 1, apply
Service Pack 1 to help determine the actual issue.
* Numeric Code: 5.1.0

Possible Cause: This code indicates a general categorizer-based failure
(bad address failure). An e-mail address or other attribute could not be
found in the directory. This issue may occur if contact entries do not
have the targetAddress attribute set. This issue occurs most frequently
when MDAccess receives "object not found" errors from DSAccess when the
Categorizer is doing the homeMDB lookup on a user.

This issue also occurs if you used Microsoft Outlook to save your e-mail
message as a file and someone opens and replies to this message offline.
The message property only preserves the legacyExchangeDN when Outlook
delivers the message. Therefore, the homeMDB lookup may fail.

Troubleshooting: Verify the recipient address and resend the message.
Verify that the recipient address is formatted correctly and that the
categorizer was able to correctly resolve the recipient.
* Numeric Code: 5.1.1

Possible Cause:
* The e-mail account does not exist at the organization the
message was sent to. This issue may occur if there was a problem when
users were moved between sites. For example, if a former
Administrative_Group_1 user moves to Administrative_Group_2 and then
replies to an old e-mail message, or if the user does not re-create his
or her Outlook profile, an old Administrative Group style LegDN address
will be used, and an NDR is generated.
* The message was sent to obsolete personal address book entries.
* The categorizer rejected delivery because you configured your
SMTP contact with see comment SMTP RFC821 characters.
Troubleshooting: Use the troubleshooting procedure described for numeric
code 5.1.0.
* Numeric Code: 5.1.3

Possible Cause: Bad address syntax. For example, a contact is configured
with a targetAddress attribute that has no address type.

Troubleshooting: Use the troubleshooting procedure described for numeric
code 5.1.0.
* Numeric Code: 5.1.4

Possible Cause: Two objects have the same proxy address, and mail is
sent to that address. This issue may also occur if the recipient does
not exist on the remote server.

Troubleshooting: Verify the recipient address and resend the message.
* Numeric Code: 5.1.6

First Available: Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2

Possible Cause: The user directory attributes, such as homeMDB or
msExchHomeServerName, may be missing or corrupted.

Troubleshooting: Verify the integrity of the user directory attributes,
and then run the Recipient Update Service again to make sure that the
attributes that are required for transport are valid.
* Numeric Code: 5.1.7

First Available: Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2

Possible Cause: The sender has a malformed or missing mail attribute in
the directory structure. The Transport categorizer cannot deliver the
mail item without a valid mail attribute.

Troubleshooting: Verify the sender directory structure and determine
whether the mail attribute exists.
* Numeric Code: 5.2.1

Possible Cause: Local mail is refused because the message is too big. An
absent Master Account Security ID number (SID) on the recipient can also
cause this error message.

Troubleshooting: Verify access permissions in addition to the message
size. Determine if the recipient has an SID.
* Numeric Code: 5.2.2

First Available: Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 (previously 4.2.2 in
earlier release).

Possible Causes: The recipient's mailbox is over its storage limit.

Troubleshooting: Verify the mailbox storage and the queue storage quota
* Numeric Code: 5.2.3

Possible Cause: The message is too large for the local quota. For
example, a remote Exchange user may have delivery restrictions set with
max incoming message size.

Troubleshooting: Resend the message without attachments, or set the
server side limit or the client side limit to permit a larger message
* Numeric Code: 5.3.0

First Available: Exchange Server 2003

Possible Causes: Exchange Server 2003 has a feature that permits
Exchange 2003 to operate without the Message Transfer Agent (MTA). If a
message was sent incorrectly by using the MTA route, this delivery
status notification is returned to the sender.

Note Although Exchange 2003 can operate without the MTA, Microsoft does
not recommend or support this configuration.

To turn on this feature and to prevent the messages from queuing to the
MTA, follow these steps:
1. Disable the MTA service.
2. Set the DWORD value to 0 in the following registry subkeys for
every information store database and public folder store:
Name>\<PrivMDB_GUID>\Gateway In Threads

Name>\<PrivMDB_GUID>\Gateway Out Threads
When you do this, you are making store resources that are associated
with MTA delivery available.
3. Restart the information store.
Troubleshooting: Check your routing topology. Use the WinRoute tool to
make sure that the routes are correctly replicated between servers and
routing groups.
* Numeric Code: 5.3.3

Possible Cause: The Exchange 2000 remote server or the Exchange 2003
remote server is out of disk storage to hold mail. This issue occurs
most frequently when the sending server is sending mail with binary DATA
(BDAT). This code may also indicate an SMTP protocol error.

Troubleshooting: Make sure the remote server has sufficient storage to
hold mail, and examine the SMTP protocol log for errors.
* Numeric Code: 5.3.5

Possible Cause: A loop-back situation where the server is configured to
loop back on itself was detected.

Troubleshooting: If you have multiple SMTP virtual servers that are
configured on your Exchange computer, make sure that they are serving
unique incoming ports and that the outgoing SMTP port configuration is
valid to avoid looping between local virtual servers. Check the
configuration of the server's connectors for loops. For example, make
sure that no connectors exist that have the address space of the local
organization, unless you share the domain and you do not select Use DNS
to route to each address space on this connector. For more information,
click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
321721 ( Sharing SMTP address
spaces in Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange Server 2003
Make sure that if there are multiple virtual servers, that none are set
to All Unassigned.
* Numeric Code: 5.4.0

First Available: Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1

Possible Causes:
* An authoritative host was not found in DNS.
* The smarthost entry is incorrect.
* FQDN name in HOSTS file. This issue was fixed in Windows 2000
Service Pack 3 (SP3).
* There was a DNS failure or you constructed an invalid IP address
for your smarthost. *
* SMTP VS does not have a valid FQDN, or your SMTP VS FQDN lookup
* A contact's SMTP domain does not resolve to any SMTP address
Troubleshooting: Use Nslookup to check the DNS. Verify that the IP
address is in IPv4 literal format. Verify that there is a valid DNS
entry for the server or computer name in question. If you are relying on
the FQDN in HOSTS file, ignore it and update the entry in Exchange
System Manager with valid IP address or correct name.
* Numeric Code: 5.4.4

First Available: Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1

Possible Cause: No route to message, next hop not found. You have set up
a Routing Group topology but there is no Routing Group Connector set up
between the Routing Groups.

Troubleshooting: Add or configure your Routing Group Connector between
Routing Groups.
* Numeric Code: 5.4.6

Possible Cause: A Categorizer forward loop was detected.
The targetAddress attribute is set on a mailbox-enabled user. Hosting
Pack: This is a common hosting configuration problem when someone
creates a contact in organizational unit (OU) 1 and then creates a user
in OU 2 that has the same e-mail address by using the user provisioning

* This issue occurs when contactA has an alternate recipient that
points to contactB and contactB has an alternate recipient that points
back to contactA. Check the alternative recipient for every contact.
* Check and remove the targetAddress attribute from
mailbox-enabled users.
* For hosting where you want to send mail from one user in one
company (OU) to another company (OU), it is best to configure the
following two related objects:
User: SMTP proxy:
Contact: targetAddress:; SMTP proxy:
* Numeric Code: 5.4.8

First Available: Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1

Possible Cause: This code indicates a looping condition. This issue may
occur if one of the recipient policies includes a local domain that
matches the FQDN of an Exchange server in the organization. When the
Transport Categorizer processes e-mail that is destined for a domain
that matches the FQDN of an Exchange server, an NDR with this code is

Troubleshooting: If this issue occurs because of a domain that matches
the FQDN of an Exchange server in the recipient policy, you must remove
that entry.
* Numeric Code: 5.5.0

First Available: Exchange 2000 Service Pack 1

Possible Cause: Generic protocol error (SMTP error). The remote SMTP
response to our EHLO with a 500 level error and the sending system will
QUIT the connection and report this with NDR indicating the remote SMTP
server cannot handle the protocol. (For example, if a Hotmail account is
no longer active, a 550 SMTP error will occur.)

Troubleshooting: Run an SMTP Log or a Network Monitor trace to see why
the remote SMTP server rejects the protocol request.
* Numeric Code: 5.5.2

Possible Cause: This refers to a general protocol error when SMTP
protocols are out of sequence. For example, an SMTP protocol error
occurs when AUTH is tried before EHLO. In one observation, this occurred
when the system was experiencing an out of disk condition.

Troubleshooting: Run SMTP Log or Network Monitor trace and make sure
that there is enough disk storage and virtual memory for SMTP to
* Numeric Code: 5.5.3

Possible Cause: Too many recipients on the sent message.

Troubleshooting: The recipient limit is a configurable limit on the
receiving server. To resolve this issue, either increase the recipient
limit, or break up the message into multiple messages to fit the server

Note The default recipient limit on a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) message is 5000. To set this limit, start the Exchange System
Manager, click the Global Settings node, right-click Message Delivery,
and then click Properties. This can also be a per-user setting in the
Active Directory.
* Numeric Code: 5.6.3

First Available: Exchange Server 2003

Possible Causes:
1. The message contains more than 250 attachments. More than 250
attachments cause the MAPI_E_TOO_BIG error.
2. Mail has been sent with a malformed addr822 header.

1. Reduce the number of attachments in the message, and then resend
the message.
2. Correct the header. The error is misleading, as it indicates the
NDR occurs because of the malformed P2 headers.
* Numeric Code: 5.7.1

Possible Causes:
* General access denied, sender access denied - the sender of the
message does not have the privileges required to complete delivery.
* You are trying to relay your mail through another SMTP server
and it does not permit you to relay.
* The recipient might have mailbox delivery restrictions enabled.
For example, a recipient's mailbox delivery restriction was set to
receive from a Distribution List only and non-members' email will be
rejected with this error.
* For Exchange Server 2003, a distribution list can be configured
to restrict mail delivery from unauthenticated users. Mail that is sent
by using an unauthenticated SMTP session are rejected.
Troubleshooting: Check system privileges and attributes for the contact
and retry the message. Also, make sure you are running Exchange 2000
Service Pack 1 or later for other potential known issues.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

FW: Internet Blocked by Government

Dear All,
I found information related to website/content blocking by our
This is related to new video released, but our government think that the
content is harmful to Indonesia people.

All information are copied from
Website that might be blocked permanently are :
1. Youtube
2. MySpace
3. Metacafe
4. Multiply
5. Rapid-share

This blocking rules override my previous rule.
You will never been able to access these sites at any time, or anywhere,
until our government via ISPs lift up this new regulation.


Cayo :
IT Improvement blog in Indonesia

Jakarta - Akhirnya sejumlah Internet Service Provider (ISP) di Indonesia
memilih takluk pada surat sakti Depkominfo yang meminta pencekalan situs
berbagi video, YouTube. Meskipun surat itu sendiri tak spesifik meminta
YouTube untuk ditutup.

"Bersama, dengan segenap daya dan upaya, untuk melakukan pemblokiran
pada situs maupun blog yang melakukan posting film Fitna tersebut,"
demikian isi surat yang ditanda-tangani oleh Menkominfo M. Nuh dan
ditembusi kepada Kapolri tersebut

Menurut pantauan detikINET pada Sabtu (5/4/2008) sekitar pukul 09.00
WIB, setidaknya para pengguna akses Internet yang menggunakan layanan
Speedy, sudah tak bisa lagi mengakses situs

Di detikINET Forum, juga sudah ada keluhan dari mereka yang menggunakan
layanan Astinet, lantaran tak lagi dapat mengakses konten video di situs
yang dimiliki oleh Google tersebut.

Selain keluarga besar Telkom, Indosat cs juga tampaknya juga memilih
tunduk pada permintaan Menkominfo. Semisal seperti disampaikan oleh
Sinta, salah seorang guru pengguna layanan Indosat 3G, yang biasanya
lancar mencari konten video sebagai materi bantu mengajarnya di sekolah,
kini harus gigit jari.

Anda punya pengalaman terkait pemblokiran situs YouTube ini? Setujukah
Anda dengan tunduknya sejumlah ISP dengan permintaan pemerintah?
Sampaikan segera melalui detikINET Forum di thread khusus.


Menkominfo Mohammad Nuh telah mengirimkan surat resmi kepada segenap
pengelola penyelenggara jasa internet untuk memblokir akses ke situs dan
blog penyebar film Fitna.

Surat edaran itu dikirimkan kepada 146 internet service provider (ISP)
dan 30 network access provider (NAP) di tanah air.

Alasan yang diajukan dalam surat tersebut adalah potensi film Fitna
menimbulkan gangguan hubungan antar umat beragama dan harmoni antar
peradaban tingkat global.

Bagaimana isi surat 'ultimatum' Menkominfo tersebut. Silahkan download
di detikINET Forum.

Lalu sampaikan pendapat, saran ataupun kritik Anda terhadap kebijakan
ini melalui alamat forum di atas. Pastikan Anda telah terdaftar sebagai
anggota detikINET Forum untuk bisa mendownload file PDF tersebut.


Para Pelanggan Yth.

Sehubungan dengan Surat Menteri Kominfo Nomor: 84/M.KOMINFO/04/08
tanggal 2 April 2008 Perihal: Pemblokiran Situs dan Blog Yang Memuat
Film Fitna, maka situs berikut ini untuk sementara kami tutup sampai
pemberitahuan lebih lanjut :

1. Youtube
2. MySpace
3. Metacafe
4. Multiply
5. Rapid-share

Demikian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan, atas maklumnya kami
mengucapkan terima kasih.

Warm Regards,


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