Sunday, August 23, 2009

Semua Serba GRATIS buat BB

Punya smartphone semacam Blackberry akan amat sayang apabila tidak di
manfaatkan secara maksimal, dengan kata lain apalah artinya punya Blackbery
kalau cuma digunakan hanya sebatas telepon, sms atau hanya meng-update
status di FB. Memang smartphone yang sedang booming ini stadarnya telah
ditanam berbagai aplikasi yang oke punya, tetapi tak ada salahnya toh
menambah aplikasi tambahan untuk lebih mempermudah kita para user agar
Blackberry yang kita pegang makin lengkap.
Aplikasi yang tersedia untuk Blackberry di pasaran memang banyak, ada yang
berbayar ada pula GRATIS. Berikut ini ada beberapa aplikasi yang GRATIS dan
mungkin sangat berguna untuk Blackberry Anda.
- Google Mobile
Siapa sih yang tidak kenal 'mbah gugle?' Mesin pencari paling lengkap dalam
jagat dunia maya ini sepertinya bisa membantu Anda para pengguna BB dalam
mencari beragam informasi. Tidak cuma menyediakan layanan search engine,
aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan akses cepat ke Gmail, Picasa, Google
Maps, Goolge Sync dan lain-lain. Website:
- Opera Mini
Fitur standar dari Blackberry sebenarnya sudah menyediakan browser sendiri,
namun tak ada salahnya para pengguna Blackberry menambah aplikasi di
handheld-nya dengan Opera Mini yang mampu menampilkan halaman web secara
penuh layaknya di PC dan juga browser ini mampu menampilkan halaman website
lebih cepat. Website:
- Vlingo
Dengan adanya aplikasi ini Anda bisa memerintah dan mengontrol semua
aplikasi Blackberry dengan suara, misalnya untuk mencari data, mengaktifkan
suatu aplikasi ataupun memminta Blackberry menyusun email baru. Namun,
jangan sekali-kali bercuap-cuap dengan bahasa Indonesia karena perintah
hanya bisa dilakukan dengan bahasa Inggris. Website:
- Quick Pull
Pengguna Blackberry biasanya akan sangat bingung apabila handheld mereka
bermasalah, salah satu solusinya adalah mereset Blackberry mereka dengan
cara mencabut baterai. Mungkin dengan adanya apliaksi Quick Pull ini akan
memperingan kerepotan pengguna Blackberry pada saat mereset handheld mereka.
Selain menyediakan beragam taknik reset, Aplikasi Quick Pull ini bisa
digunakan oleh beragam tipe Blackberry. Website:

Bukan pengguna Blackberry namanya kalau tidak up to date seputar informasi
terkini. Viigo adalah aplikasi yang cocok buat para pengguna Blackberry yang
tidak mau dibilang kuper. Aplikasi yang satu ini sebenarnya adalah aplikasi
RSS Feeder akan terus mengkonfirmasikan berita, informasi bahkan hiburan
terbaru yang tersedia dalam bentuk audio podcast. Website:
- MobiPocket Reader
Buat para pengguna Blackberry yang hobi baca, apalikasi MobiPocket Reader
ini sudah seharusnya diinstal dalam handheld Anda. MobiPocket Reader ini
memungkinkan Anda membaca ebook dengan jelas dalam layar sebesar Blackberry.
Apabila sudah selesai membaca dan Anda ingin menbaca buku ynag lain,
MobiPocket Reader ini juga menyediakan link toko online untuk Anda

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hp dual on gsm-cdma

Imo c2000c
1.71 jt
-tv tuner sliding

Imo gc90

Micxon m78

Titan T5353

Jadi harganya memang sekitar 1 jutaan. Maksimal di 2 jt..

Met nyari. Dual on cm ada di hape cina lho ya...
Sent from my ChaiyoBerry®

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Windows NT (and 2000) users, read Microsoft's Knowledge Base article
<;EN-US;Q318149&> to
learn How to Maintain Current Registry Backups in Windows NT 4.0 and
Windows 2000
<;EN-US;Q318149&> .

General Syntax:

GUI mode:
Import (merge) a .REG file:
REGEDIT.EXE [ /L:system | /R:user ] [ /S ] importfile.REG
Export to a (.REG) file:
REGEDIT.EXE [ /L:system | /R:user ] /E exportfile "registry_key"
Compress the registry (Windows 98 only):
REGEDIT.EXE [ /L:system | /R:user ] /C


.REG file to be imported (or "merged")
File name the information should be written to
Registry key to be exported, e.g. "HKEY_CLASSES\ROOT\*\shell"
Silent, i.e. hide confirmation box when importing files
Export registry file
Specify the location of the system.dat to use
Specify the location of the user.dat to use
Compress [filename] (Windows 98 only)

REGEDIT is usually known as a GUI tool to search or edit the Windows
I would not have mentioned it here, however, if it couldn't be used in
unattended mode as well.

This page focuses on reading and editing the registry in unattended mode

Microsoft's NT 4 Workstation and Server Resource Kits
<outbind://8/resourcekits.php> come with REG.EXE
<outbind://8/ntregistry.php> , a utility that makes reading (or editing)
NT's registry easier.
In Windows 2000, REG.EXE is available on the installation CD-ROM, but
has to be installed manually (on the CD-ROM run
As of Windows XP, REG.EXE is a native command.

REG.EXE can read a single key and value directly, without the need for a
temporary file.
Learn more about using REG.EXE <outbind://8/ntregistry.php> .

Adding and editing (importing) registry entries

Adding items to the registry requires a *.REG file:

REGEDIT [ /S ] addsome.REG

The /S swith is optional, it skips the message dialogs before and after
the import of the *.REG file.

Since NT 4 .REG files are in readable ASCII, they may be created "on the
fly" by our batch files.
This is demonstrated in the DefOpen <outbind://8/#DefOpen> example in
the Examples section.

Owners of a copy of the NT 4 Resource Kit <outbind://8/resourcekits.php>
or Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 can also use REG.EXE
<outbind://8/ntregistry.php> to add or edit registry entries.

Removing registry entries

To remove an entire "tree" from the registry using REGEDIT and a .REG
file, just add a minus sign before the tree name:



will remove the entire tree "DummyTree".

To remove an individual item from the registry, place the minus sign
after the equal sign:



will remove the individual value "ValueToBeRemoved" from "DummyTree".
This is demonstrated in the uniqueid.bat <outbind://8/#LANDesk> example
below, a batch file that forces a new LANDesk agent ID.

How to remove an individual registry key or value using *.INF
<outbind://8/amb_removereg.php> files and RUNDLL
<outbind://8/rundll.php> is explained <outbind://8/amb_removereg.php>
by Bill James <> .

NT 4 users who own a copy of the NT 4 Resource Kit
<outbind://8/resourcekits.php> can also use REG.EXE
<outbind://8/ntregistry.php> to remove registry entries.
In Windows 2000 and later REG.EXE is a native tool.

Reading (exporting) from the registry

REGEDIT's /E switch can be used to export a registry key:

REGEDIT /E d:\path\filename.REG "HKEY_XXXX\Whatever Key"

This will write the registry key "HKEY_XXXX\Whatever Key" and its
subkeys to a file named d:\path\filename.REG

The resulting (ASCII or UniCode) file will contain the entries in the
format "key"="value", which can be stripped and parsed using Laurence
Soucy <> 's CHOICE trick
<outbind://8/bht.php> (How-to #4, second method) for MS-DOS 6 and
Windows 9*, NT's FOR /F <outbind://8/ntfortokens.php> or the more
generic TYPE <outbind://8/type.php> and FIND commands.

Instead of a file name, some device names can be used:


will print the selected key.
Unfortunately, this won't work for CON (console or display).

NT 4 users who own a copy of the NT 4 Resource Kit
<outbind://8/resourcekits.php> can also use REG.EXE
<outbind://8/ntregistry.php> to read the registry.
In Windows 2000 and later REG.EXE is a native tool.

Self-contained registry scripts

In .REG files, every line after the first one that starts with a
semicolon (;) is treated as comment.
Batch files completely ignore the semicolons before commands.
So the following batch file will use itself as a .REG file:


; REGEDIT.EXE /S "%~f0"


The REGEDIT4 line is required, and must be the first line, otherwise
REGEDIT.EXE won't accept the script as a valid .REG file. However, it
willgenerate an error message when running as a batch file, hence the
CLS command to wipe the error message from the screen.
To prevent more error messages, EXIT is used to abort the batch file
immediately after the REGEDIT.EXE command.

Use this technique to add or remove registry keys and values.

Windows registry information for advanced users

Description of the registry

The Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition, defines the registry
A central hierarchical database used in Microsoft Windows 98, Windows
CE, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 used to store information that is
necessary to configure the system for one or more users, applications
and hardware devices.

The Registry contains information that Windows continually references
during operation, such as profiles for each user, the applications
installed on the computer and the types of documents that each can
create, property sheet settings for folders and application icons, what
hardware exists on the system, and the ports that are being used.

The Registry replaces most of the text-based .ini files that are used in
Windows 3.x and MS-DOS configuration files, such as the Autoexec.bat and
Config.sys. Although the Registry is common to several Windows operating
systems, there are some differences among them.
A registry hive is a group of keys, subkeys, and values in the registry
that has a set of supporting files that contain backups of its data. The
supporting files for all hives except HKEY_CURRENT_USER are in the
%SystemRoot%\System32\Config folder on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista. The supporting files
for HKEY_CURRENT_USER are in the %SystemRoot%\Profiles\Username folder.
The file name extensions of the files in these folders indicate the type
of data that they contain. Also, the lack of an extension may sometimes
indicate the type of data that they contain.
Registry hive Supporting files
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM Sam, Sam.log, Sam.sav
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security Security, Security.log, Security.sav
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software Software, Software.log, Software.sav
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System System, System.alt, System.log,
HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG System, System.alt, System.log, System.sav,
Ntuser.dat, Ntuser.dat.log
HKEY_USERS\DEFAULT Default, Default.log, Default.sav

In Windows 98, the registry files are named User.dat and System.dat. In
Windows Millennium Edition, the registry files are named Classes.dat,
User.dat, and System.dat.

Note Security features in Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows
Server 2003, and Windows Vista let an administrator control access to
registry keys.

The following table lists the predefined keys that are used by the
system. The maximum size of a key name is 255 characters.
Folder/predefined key Description
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Contains the root of the configuration
information for the user who is currently logged on. The user's folders,
screen colors, and Control Panel settings are stored here. This
information is associated with the user's profile. This key is sometimes
abbreviated as "HKCU."
HKEY_USERS Contains all the actively loaded user profiles on the
computer. HKEY_CURRENT_USER is a subkey of HKEY_USERS. HKEY_USERS is
sometimes abbreviated as "HKU."
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Contains configuration information particular
to the computer (for any user). This key is sometimes abbreviated as
information that is stored here makes sure that the correct program
opens when you open a file by using Windows Explorer. This key is
sometimes abbreviated as "HKCR." Starting with Windows 2000, this
information is stored under both the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and
contains default settings that can apply to all users on the local
computer. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes key contains settings
that override the default settings and apply only to the interactive
user. The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key provides a view of the registry that
merges the information from these two sources. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT also
provides this merged view for programs that are designed for earlier
versions of Windows. To change the settings for the interactive user,
changes must be made under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes instead of
under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. To change the default settings, changes must be
made under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes. If you write keys to a
key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, the system stores the information under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes. If you write values to a key under
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, and the key already exists under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes, the system will store the
information there instead of under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes.
HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Contains information about the hardware profile
that is used by the local computer at system startup.
Note The registry in 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
and Windows Vista is divided into 32-bit and 64-bit keys. Many of the
32-bit keys have the same names as their 64-bit counterparts, and vice
versa. The default 64-bit version of Registry Editor that is included
with 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows
Vista displays the 32-bit keys under the following node:
For more information about how to view the registry on 64-Bit versions
of Windows, click the following article number to view the article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
305097 <outbind://7/kb/305097/> How to view the system registry by
using 64-bit versions of Windows

The following table lists the data types that are currently defined and
that are used by Windows. The maximum size of a value name is as

* Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista: 16,383
* Windows 2000: 260 ANSI characters or 16,383 Unicode characters
* Windows Millennium Edition/Windows 98/Windows 95: 255 characters

Long values (more than 2,048 bytes) must be stored as files with the
file names stored in the registry. This helps the registry perform
efficiently. The maximum size of a value is as follows:

* Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows Server
2003/Windows Vista: Available memory
* Windows Millennium Edition/Windows 98/Windows 95: 16,300 bytes

Note There is a 64K limit for the total size of all values of a key.
Name Data type Description
Binary Value REG_BINARY Raw binary data. Most hardware
component information is stored as binary data and is displayed in
Registry Editor in hexadecimal format.
DWORD Value REG_DWORD Data represented by a number that is 4
bytes long (a 32-bit integer). Many parameters for device drivers and
services are this type and are displayed in Registry Editor in binary,
hexadecimal, or decimal format. Related values are DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN
(least significant byte is at the lowest address) and
REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN (least significant byte is at the highest address).

Expandable String Value REG_EXPAND_SZ A variable-length data string.
This data type includes variables that are resolved when a program or
service uses the data.
Multi-String Value REG_MULTI_SZ A multiple string. Values that
contain lists or multiple values in a form that people can read are
generally this type. Entries are separated by spaces, commas, or other
String Value REG_SZ A fixed-length text string.
Binary Value REG_RESOURCE_LIST A series of nested arrays that
is designed to store a resource list that is used by a hardware device
driver or one of the physical devices it controls. This data is detected
and written in the \ResourceMap tree by the system and is displayed in
Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
Binary Value REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST A series of nested
arrays that is designed to store a device driver's list of possible
hardware resources the driver or one of the physical devices it controls
can use. The system writes a subset of this list in the \ResourceMap
tree. This data is detected by the system and is displayed in Registry
Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
Binary Value REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR A series of nested
arrays that is designed to store a resource list that is used by a
physical hardware device. This data is detected and written in the
\HardwareDescription tree by the system and is displayed in Registry
Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value.
None REG_NONE Data without any particular type. This data is
written to the registry by the system or applications and is displayed
in Registry Editor in hexadecimal format as a Binary Value
Link REG_LINK A Unicode string naming a symbolic link.
QWORD Value REG_QWORD Data represented by a number that is a
64-bit integer. This data is displayed in Registry Editor as a Binary
Value and was introduced in Windows 2000.

Back to the top <outbind://7/#top>

Back up the registry

Before you edit the registry, export the keys in the registry that you
plan to edit, or back up the whole registry. If a problem occurs, you
can then follow the steps in the "Restore the registry" section to
restore the registry to its previous state. To back up the whole
registry, use the Backup utility to back up the system state. The system
state includes the registry, the COM+ Class Registration Database, and
your boot files. For more information about how to use the Backup
utility to back up the system state, click the following article numbers
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
308422 <outbind://7/kb/308422/> How to use the Backup utility that is
included in Windows XP to back up files and folders
320820 <outbind://7/kb/320820/> How to use the Backup utility to back
up files and folders in Windows XP Home Edition
326216 <outbind://7/kb/326216/> How to use the backup feature to back
up and restore data in Windows Server 2003
Back to the top <outbind://7/#top>

Edit the registry

To modify registry data, a program must use the registry functions that
are defined in the following MSDN Web site:
Administrators can modify the registry by using Registry Editor
(Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe), Group Policy, System Policy, Registry
(.reg) files, or by running scripts such as VisualBasic script files.

Use the Windows user interface

We recommend that you use the Windows user interface to change your
system settings instead of manually editing the registry. However,
editing the registry may sometimes be the best method to resolve a
product issue. If the issue is documented in the Microsoft Knowledge
Base, an article with step-by-step instructions to edit the registry for
that issue will be available. We recommend that you follow those
instructions exactly.

Use Registry Editor

Warning Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry
incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These
problems might require that you reinstall the operating system.
Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the
registry at your own risk.
You can use Registry Editor to do the following:

* Locate a subtree, key, subkey, or value
* Add a subkey or a value
* Change a value
* Delete a subkey or a value
* Rename a subkey or a value

The navigation area of Registry Editor displays folders. Each folder
represents a predefined key on the local computer. When you access the
registry of a remote computer, only two predefined keys appear:

Use Group Policy

Microsoft Management Console (MMC) hosts administrative tools that you
can use to administer networks, computers, services, and other system
components. The Group Policy MMC snap-in lets administrators define
policy settings that are applied to computers or users. You can
implement Group Policy on local computers by using the local Group
Policy MMC snap-in, Gpedit.msc. You can implement Group Policy in Active
Directory by using the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in.
For more information about how to use Group Policy, see the Help topics
in the appropriate Group Policy MMC snap-in.

Use a Registration Entries (.reg) file

Create a Registration Entries (.reg) file that contains the registry
changes, and then run the .reg file on the computer where you want to
make the changes. You can run the .reg file manually or by using a logon
script. For more information, click the following article number to view
the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
310516 <outbind://7/kb/310516/> How to add, modify, or delete registry
subkeys and values by using a Registration Entries (.reg) file

Use Windows Script Host

The Windows Script Host lets you run VBScript and JScript scripts
directly in the operating system. You can create VBScript and JScript
files that use Windows Script Host methods to delete, to read, and to
write registry keys and values. For more information about these
methods, visit the following Microsoft Web sites:

RegDelete method

RegRead method

RegWrite method

Use Windows Management Instrumentation

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a component of the Microsoft
Windows operating system and is the Microsoft implementation of
Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM). WBEM is an industry initiative
to develop a standard technology for accessing management information in
an enterprise environment. You can use WMI to automate administrative
tasks (such as editing the registry) in an enterprise environment. You
can use WMI in scripting languages that have an engine on Windows and
that handle Microsoft ActiveX objects. You can also use the WMI
Command-Line utility (Wmic.exe) to modify the Windows registry.
For more information about WMI, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
For more information about the WMI Command-Line utility, click the
following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge
290216 <outbind://7/kb/290216/> A description of the Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) command-line utility (Wmic.exe)

Use Console Registry Tool for Windows

You can use the Console Registry Tool for Windows (Reg.exe) to edit the
registry. For help with the Reg.exe tool, type reg /? at the Command
Prompt, and then click OK.
Back to the top <outbind://7/#top>

Restore the registry

To restore the registry, use the appropriate method.
Back to the top <outbind://7/#top>

Restore the registry keys

To restore registry subkeys that you exported, double-click the
Registration Entries (.reg) file that you saved in the Export registry
subkeys section. Or, you can restore the whole registry from a backup.
For more information about how to restore the whole registry, see the
"Restore the whole registry" section later in this article.
Back to the top <outbind://7/#top>

Restore the whole registry

To restore the whole registry, restore the system state from a backup.
For more information about how to restore the system state from a
backup, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
309340 <outbind://7/kb/309340/> How to use Backup to restore files and
folders on your computer in Windows XP

Note Backing up the system state also creates updated copies of the
registry files in the %SystemRoot%\Repair folder. If you cannot start
Windows XP after you edit the registry, you can replace the registry
files manually by using the steps in the "Part One" section of the
following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
307545 <outbind://7/kb/307545/> How to recover from a corrupted
registry that prevents Windows XP from starting

Cara menambah, mengubah, atau menghapus sub-kunci registri dan value menggunakan file entri registrasi (.reg)

Cara menambah, mengubah, atau menghapus sub-kunci registri dan value
menggunakan file entri registrasi (.reg)

PERINGATAN: Jika Anda menggunakan Editor Registri secara tidak benar,
akibatnya bisa sangat serius yang dapat membuat Anda harus menginstal
ulang sistem operasi Anda. Microsoft tidak dapat menjamin bahwa Anda
dapat memecahkan masalah yang disebabkan dari penggunaan Editor Registri
secara tidak benar. Jika Anda menggunakan Editor Registri, maka resiko
Anda tanggung sendiri.
Artikel ini menjelaskan langkah demi langkah tentang bagaimana menambah,
mengubah, atau menghapus subkunci dan nilai registri menggunakan file
Entri Registrasi (.reg). Regedit.exe menggunakan file .reg untuk
mengimpor dan mengekspor subkunci dan nilai registri. Anda dapat
menggunakan file .reg ini untuk mendistribusikan perubahan registri
secara jauh ke beberapa komputer berbasis Windows. Ketika Anda
menjalankan file .reg, konten dari file akan menggabung ke registri
lokal. Oleh karena itu, Anda harus mendistribusikan file .reg secara

Kembali ke atas <outbind://6/#top>

Sintaks dari Berkas .Reg

Berkas .reg memiliki sintaks berikut ini:

Baris kosong
Baris kosong

di mana:

VersiEditorRegistri adalah "Editor Registri Windows Versi 5.00" untuk
Windows 2000, Windows XP, dan Windows Server 2003, atau "REGEDIT4" untuk
Windows 98 dan Windows NT 4.0. Header "REGEDIT4" juga bekerja pada
komputer berbasis Windows 2000, Windows XP, dan Windows Server 2003.

Baris kosong adalah baris kosong. Ini menunjukkan dimulainya lintasan
untuk registri baru. Setiap kunci atau subkunci merupakan lintasan
registri baru. Jika Anda memiliki beberapa kunci di dalam file .reg,
baris kosong dapat membantu Anda memeriksa dan memecahkan masalah

LintasanRegistrix merupakan lintasan dari subkunci yang memegang nilai
pertama yang Anda impor. Lintasan berada di dalam kurung siku, dan
masing-masing tingkat hierarki dipisahkan oleh sebuah blackslash (\).
[HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System]
Berkas A .reg dapat berisi beberapa lintasan registri. Jika dasar dari
hierarki pada pernyataan lintasan tidak tersedia pada registri, maka
subkunci baru dapat dibuat. Konten dari file-file registri dikirimkan ke
registri supaya Anda dapat masuk ke sana. Oleh karena itu, jika Anda
ingin menciptakan subkunci baru dengan subkunci lain di bawahnya, Anda
harus memasukkan baris dengan urutan yang benar.

NamaItemDatax merupakan nama dari item data yang Anda ingin impor. Jika
item data pada file Anda tidak tersedia pada registri, maka file .reg
akan menambahkannya (dengan nilai dari item data). Jika sudah ada item
data, maka nilai pada file .reg Anda akan menimpa nilai yang sudah ada.
Tanda kutip melingkupi nama dari item data. Tanda sama dengan (=) segera
mengikuti nama dari item data.

JenisDatax merupakan jenis data untuk nilai registri dan segera
mengikuti tanda sama dengan. Untuk semua jenis data selain daripada
REG_SZ (nilai string), tanda titik dua segera mengikuti jenis data. Jika
jenis data adalah REG_SZ, jangan memasukkan nilai jenis data atau tanda
titik dua. Pada kasus ini, Regedit.exe menganggap REG_SZ untuk jenis
data. Daftar tabel di bawah mengurutkan jenis-jenis data registri yang
Jenis Data JenisDatadi .reg
REG_BINARY heksadesimal
REG_EXPAND_SZ heksadesimal(2)
REG_MULTI_SZ heksadesimal(7)
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut jenis data registri, klik nomor artikel di
bawah ini untuk melihat artikel pada Basis Pengetahuan Microsoft:
256986 <outbind://6/kb/256986/> Keterangan dari registri Microsoft
Windows (Artikel ini mungkin berisi link ke konten berbahasa Inggris
(belum diterjemahkan)).
NilaiDatax segera mengikuti tanda titik dua (atau tanda sama dengan
untuk REG_SZ) dan harus berada dalam format yang tepat (misalnya, string
atau heksadesimal). Gunakan format heksadesimal untuk item data biner.

Catatan Anda dapat memasukkan beberapa baris item data untuk lintasan
registri yang sama.

Kembali ke atas <outbind://6/#top>

Penambahan Subkunci Registri atau Penambahan dan Perubahan Nilai

Untuk menambah subkunci registri atau menambah atau mengubah nilai
registri, buatlah perubahan yang sesuai pada registri, kemudian
ekspor-lah satu atau beberapa subkunci yang sesuai. Subkunci registri
yang diekspor akan tersimpan secara otomatis pada file .reg. Untuk
membuat perubahan ke registri dan mengekspor perubahan yang Anda lakukan
ke file .reg, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Klik Mulai, klik Jalankan, ketik regedit pada kotak Buka,
kemudian klik OK.
2. Cari dan kemudian klik subkunci yang memegang satu atau beberapa
item registri yang ingin Anda ubah.
3. Klik Berkas, kemudian klik Ekspor.

Langkah ini membuat cadangan subkunci sebelum Anda membuat
perubahan. Anda dapat mengimpor berkas ini kembali ke registri nanti
jika perubahan yang Anda lakukan menimbulkan masalah.
4. Pada kotak Nama berkas, ketik nama berkas yang digunakan untuk
menyimpan berkas .reg dengan item registri yang asli, kemudian klik

Catatan Gunakan nama berkas yang mengingatkan Anda tentang
isinya, seperti referensi terhadap nama subkunci.
5. Pada sisi kanan, tambahkan atau modifikasi item registri yang
Anda inginkan.
6. Ulangi langkah 3 dan 4 untuk mengekspor subkunci lagi, akan
tetapi gunakan nama berkas yang berbeda untuk berkas .reg. Anda dapat
menggunakan berkas .reg untuk membuat perubahan registri pada komputer
7. Uji perubahan Anda pada komputer lokal. Jika hal tersebut
menimbulkan masalah, klik-dua kali berkas yang memegang cadangan data
registri asli untuk memulihkan registri ke keadaan semula. Jika
perubahan bekerja seperti yang Anda inginkan, Anda dapat
mendistribusikan .reg yang Anda ciptakan pada langkah 6 ke komputer
lainnya dengan menggunakan metode-metode pada bagian "Pendistribusian
Perubahan Registri <outbind://6/#2> " di dalam artikel ini.

Kembali ke atas <outbind://6/#top>

Penghapusan Kunci dan Nilai Registri

Untuk menghapus kunci registri dengan berkas .reg, letakkan tanda hubung
(-) di depanLintasanRegistri pada berkas .reg. Misalnya, untuk menghapus
subkunci Uji dari kunci registri berikut ini:
letakkan tanda hubung di depan kunci registri di bawah ini pada berkas
Contoh berikut memiliki berkas .reg yang dapat melakukan tugas ini.
Untuk menghapus nilai registri dengan berkas .reg, letakkan tanda hubung
(-) setelah tanda sama dengan yang mengikuti NamaItemData di dalam
berkas .reg. Misalnya, untuk menghapus nilai registri NilaiUji dari
kunci registri berikut ini:
letakkan tanda hubung setelah "NilaiUji"= pada berkas .reg. Contoh
berikut memiliki berkas .reg yang dapat melakukan tugas ini.
Untuk membuat berkas .reg, gunakan Regedit.exe untuk mengekspor kunci
registri yang ingin Anda hapus, kemudian gunakan Notepad untuk mengedit
berkas .reg dan menyisipkan tanda hubung.

Kembali ke atas <outbind://6/#top>

Pengubahan Nama Subkunci dan Nilai Registri

Untuk mengubah nama kunci atau nilai, hapus kunci atau nilai, kemudian
buat kunci atau nilai yang baru dengan nama baru.
Kembali ke atas <outbind://6/#top>

Pendistribusian Perubahan Registri

Anda dapat mengirimkan berkas .reg ke pengguna di dalam pesan e-mail,
letakkan berkas .reg pada jaringan yang dipakai bersama dan arahkan
pengguna ke jaringan itu, atau Anda dapat menambah perintah pada skrip
logon pengguna agar dapat mengimpor berkas .reg secara otomatis saat
mereka logon. Ketika pengguna menjalankan berkas .reg, mereka mereka
menerima pesan berikut ini:
Editor Registri
Apakah Anda yakin ingin menambah informasi pada lintasan berkas .reg ke
Jika pengguna meng-klik Ya, pengguna akan menerima pesan sebagai
Editor Registri
Informasi pada lintasan berkas .reg telah dimasukkan ke dalam registri.
Regedit.exe mendukung switch baris perintah /s untuk tidak menampilkan
pesan semacam itu. Misalnya, untuk menjalankan berkas .reg (dengan
switch /s) dari berkas batch skrip login, gunakan sintaks berikut:
regedit.exe /s lintasan dari berkas .reg
Anda juga dapat menggunakan Kebijakan Grup atau Kebijakan Sistem untuk
mendistribusikan perubahan registri di jaringan. Untuk informasi
tambahan, kunjungi Website Microsoft berikut ini:
Catatan Jika perubahan tersebut bekerja, Anda dapat mengirimkan berkas
registrasi ke pengguna yang sesuai di jaringan.

How to uninstall or reinstall supported McAfee consumer products using the McAfee Consumer Products Removal tool (MCPR.exe)

How to uninstall or reinstall supported McAfee consumer products using
the McAfee Consumer Products Removal tool (MCPR.exe)

Summary: This document explains how to remove and reinstall McAfee
Consumer products using the McAfee Consumer Products Removal tool. This
option should only be used after you remove your McAfee product through
Add/Remove Programs.

Affected Suites:

Affected Products:

Affected Operating Systems:

Total Protection
Internet Security Suite
PC Protection Plus
VirusScan Plus
Wireless Protection

Data Backup
Personal Firewall
Privacy Service
Wireless Protection

Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista

Note: This tool (previously named MCPR2.EXE) is not compatible with
Microsoft Windows 98 or ME.


Running the McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool (MCPR.exe) removes all
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 versions of McAfee consumer products.


IMPORTANT: If your McAfee products were preinstalled by the manufacturer
of your computer, please make sure to activate your McAfee subscription
before uninstalling. Reinstalling from a CD or download will only
install your McAfee consumer applications, but may not recover your paid
subscription term information.


You can now watch a Flash video of the following steps!

Click the button below to start the video.


Note: This option is recommended for Broadband Users Only.
To view this demonstration, you will need Adobe Flash. Download this for
free by visiting Adobe at <> .


Step 1 - Uninstall your McAfee consumer products using Add/Remove
Programs in the Windows Control Panel

Windows 2000/XP

1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
3. Select the McAfee SecurityCenter product.
4. Click Remove and follow the steps provided.

Windows Vista

1. Click Start, Search, type Programs and Features, and click Go.
2. Double-click Programs and Features.
3. Select the McAfee SecurityCenter product.
4. Click Uninstall and follow the steps provided.

Step 2 - Download and run MCPR.exe

1. Download the removal tool from:

2. Click Save and save the file to a folder on your computer.
3. Navigate to the folder where the file was saved.
4. Make sure all McAfee windows are closed.
5. Double-click MCPR.exe to run the removal tool.

Note: Windows Vista users must right-click MCPR.exe and select
Run as Administrator.

6. Restart your computer after receiving the message CleanUp

Your McAfee product will not be fully removed until the system
is restarted.

If the message Cleanup Unsuccessful is displayed, follow the steps below
to view and save your MCPR log files for analysis by Technical Support.

Saving troubleshooting logs

1. On the Cleanup Unsuccessful notification dialog, click View
2. Your troubleshooting logs will open in a Notepad window. Click
File, Save As, and save the file to your Desktop. Name the
fileMCPR_date.txt (for example: MCPR_Jan10_08.txt).
3. Contact McAfee Technical Support and provide the log file to
your technician for troubleshooting.

When all McAfee products are removed from your computer, continue to
Step 3.

Step 3 - Reinstall your McAfee Products

Note: Please refer to the instructions from the partner you purchased
your McAfee consumer product from, or reinstall using the partner links

* If you purchased your software directly from McAfee, go to to log in and
download your software.

* AT&T users should go to

* Comcast users should go to

* Cox users should go to <>

* DELL users should go to

* Gateway users should go to

* eMachines users should go to

* MSN users should go to

* AOL users should search on keyword: Safety ( On the AOL Safety & Security page,
clickDownload Now.

How to manually remove VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i

Corporate KnowledgeBase

How to manually remove VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i

Corporate KnowledgeBase ID: KB58597
Published: July 02, 2009


All supported operating systems. For details, see KB51109


This article outlines how can VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i can be manually
removed if an automatic removal is unsuccessful.

Solution 1

Use MSIEXEC.EXE to remove remnants (When Add/Remove programs option is
not available).

In some cases it is possible to remove VirusScan Enterprise remnants
using the MSIEXEC.EXE with the products installation string.
This can save time and is recommended before undertaking the manual
uninstall procedure.

For full full details on how to remove VirusScan Enterprise via the
command line using msiexec.exe, see KB52648
<outbind://4/index?page=content&id=KB52648> .

Solution 2


* The following instructions are intended to be used as a last
resort for removing VirusScan Enterprise. Before attempting a manual
removal, try all other methods first. Administrators should use
discretion when employing this solution.
* These steps do not include instruction for removing the McAfee
Error Reporting Service and Common Framework Service as these components
may be shared with other McAfee products.

CAUTION: This article contains information about opening or modifying
the registry.

* The following information is intended for System Administrators.
Registry modifications are irreversible and could cause system failure
if done incorrectly.
* Before proceeding, McAfee strongly recommends backing up your
registry and understanding the restore process. For more information,
* Do not run a .REG file that is not confirmed to be a genuine
registry import file.

Manual removal procedure

Step 1 - Stop and Disable running McAfee and other services

1. Click Start, Run, type services.msc and press ENTER.
2. Right-click McAfee Framework and select Stop.
3. For each of the following services, right-click, select
Properties, set the Startup type to Disabled, click Stop, and click OK.

Network Associates McShield (McShield.exe)
Network Associates Task Manager (VsTskMgr.exe)

4. If Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service is running
it will lock the VSE80i Mcvssnmp.dll. To unlock the file and allow it to
be deleted please stop the following services

SNMP Service
SNMP Trap Service

Step 2 - Remove components

1. Click Start, Run, type cmd and press ENTER.
2. Change directory to: \Program Files\Common Files\Network
Type TBMON -Delref and hit Enter to decrement the counter for
the McAfee Error Reporting Service.
3. Change directory to: \Program Files\Network
4. Type Naiavfin -u and press Enter to flag the McAfee Filter
(naiavfnx.sys) and TDI (mvstdinx.sys) drivers for removal after a system
5. Type cd \Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework and
press ENTER.
6. Type Frminst /remove=updater and press ENTER to decrement the
counter for the Common Framework service.
7. Type cd \Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan and press
8. Type Regsvr32 /u Scriptproxy.dll and press ENTER to unregister
the .DLL for Script Scanning.
9. If the McAfee AntiSpyware Enterprise Module 8.0 is installed,
type CSSCAN /UninstallMAS and press ENTER to remove it.

Step 3 - Delete registry values

1. Click Start, Run, type regedit and press ENTER.
2. Navigate to
3. Right-click the VirusScan key and select Delete.
4. Navigate to
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run].
5. Right-click the value ShStatEXE and select Delete.
6. Restart your computer.

NOTE: At this time, VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) components are
no longer running and your system is unprotected. For security, you may
want to disconnect from your network to continue working.

Step 4 - Remove Registry Keys

1. Click Start, Run, type regedit and press ENTER.
2. Select Edit, Find.
3. Delete language dependent registry key:

For VSE 8.0i English, type BB1D3FD5E498DCD4285751A99C28B934
For VSE 8.0i German, type B1D6580FEE1125641847AE3F5DBAC666

For VSE 8.0i Japanese, type 2CE70B0B82FF434458D8D84333E8734F

4. Click Find Next.
5. Delete any matching entries found.
6. Repeat until no further entries are found.
7. Navigate to each of the following keys, right-click each, and
select Delete:




(where n is any number]
(where nn is any number)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\Epolicy
Orchestrator\Application Plugins\VIRUSCAN8000]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
Components\Alert Client\VSE]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
Components\On Access Scanner]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
Components\On Demand Scanner]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\Shared
Components\VirusScan Engine]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Network Associates\TVD\VirusScan

For VSE 8.0i English delete:


For VSE 8.0i German delete,


If the AntiSpyware Enterprise Module was installed then also

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\ePolicy
Orchestrator\Application Plugins\VSEMAS__8000]

McAfee Anti-Spyware Enterprise Module]

8. Navigate to the following key, right-click the value Exchange
Scan and select Delete:


9. Navigate to the following key, right-click the value
C:\WINDOWS\System32\EntAPI.dll, and select Delete:


Step 5 - Remove Directory Structure

Use Windows Explorer to navigate to each of the following folders. Right
click each, and select Delete:

\Program files\Network Associates\VirusScan
\Program files\Common files\Network Associates\Engine
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Network Associates
\Documents and settings\All Users\Application Data\Network
\Documents and settings\All Users\Application Data\Network

Step 6 - Remove Files

1. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to C:\WINDOWS\System32.
2. Right-click EntAPI.dll and select Delete.
3. Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers.
4. Locate the following files, right-click each one and select


NOTE: nn will be two alphanumeric characters such as 5x.

If the Lotus Notes Client is installed:

1. Open each copy of NOTES.INI and remove the following two lines:


2. Delete the following files from the Lotus Notes Program Files
folder (default location C:\Program Files\Lotus\Notes)


McAfee recommends the following to ensure a complete cleanup of
VirusScan Enterprise:

Empty all files from the following TEMP folders:

C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Local Settings\Temp

Remove previous .MSI file:

1. Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\Installer.
2. Right-click each .MSI file and select Properties.
3. Click the the Summary tab.
4. If the Summery shows VirusScan, click OK, right-click the file
and select Delete.

Remove the VirusScan Enterprise icons folder:

1. Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\Installer\

VSE 8.0i English Right click the
{5DF3D1BB-894E-4DCD-8275-159AC9829B43} folder and select Delete.

VSE 8.0i German, Right click the
{F0856D1B-11EE-4652-8174-EAF3D5AB6C66} folder and select Delete.

VSE 8.0i Japanese, Right click the
{B0B07EC2-FF28-4434-858D-8D34338E37F4} folder and select Delete.

2. Restart your computer.

Remove hidden device drivers:

See KB55266 <outbind://4/index?page=content&id=KB55266> - Removal of
VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i leaves device drivers in a hidden state

Related Information

KB50602 <outbind://4/index?page=content&id=KB50602> - How to manually
uninstall VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i

Previous Document ID


Uninstall procedures for Total Protection for Small Business (All versions)

Corporate KnowledgeBase

Uninstall procedures for Total Protection for Small Business (All

Corporate KnowledgeBase ID: KB58779
Published: December 16, 2008


Uninstall procedures for McAfee Total Protection for Small Business
(all versions).


Uninstall procedures are documented for the following reasons:

* Removal of the product
* Installation failed and remnants left behind (ADD/Remove fails)


Standard Add/Remove method

Normally, the Add/Remove option will suffice:

Select Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove programs.
Select McAfee Total Protection Agent Service.
Select Remove or Change/Remove.
Click Close.

Standard Add/Remove for firewall component:

Select Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove programs.
Select McAfee Firewall Protection Service.
Select Remove or Change/Remove.
Click Close.

Removing failed installations using the MVSUNINST.EXE utility

Download the standalone cleanup tool from your provider.
IMPORTANT: To do this you will need to know your installation URL.

If your provider is McAfee, your link will resemble the

NOTE: These are examples only. Your actual URLs will differ from
those detailed here.

From the link, copy all of the information up to

For example:

Language Code Language
ENU English (UK,US)
ITA Italian
DEU German
JPN Japanese
KOR Korean
ESM Mexico
PLK Polish
PTB Portuguese
ESP Spanish
SVE Swedish
NLD Dutch
DAN Danish
CHT Chinese (T)
CHS Chinese (S)

Add bin/mvsuninst.exe to the end of the link.

For example, adding the data will result in the link:

Type the appropriate link into a web browser and click Go.
Save the file to your system.
After the download is complete, double-click mvsuninst.exe to
remove the product.
A log file with all of the removal information is generated.

NOTE: This method removes the VirusScan and Firewall components.

Removing failed installs using the silent installer package:

Log in to your provider site.
On the SecurityCenter page, click Help.
Click Utilities.
Click VSSetup and save the file to the root of the primary hard
drive on your system. (for example, c:\)
Click Start, Run, type cmd and click OK.
Type c:\vssetup.exe /uninstall and press ENTER.
After several seconds, the Total Protection for Small Business
system tray icon disappears.

NOTE: This method will remove all components, leaving a few
empty directories. The silent installer package is a larger download
than mvsuninst.exe. Uninstallation information will not be displayed.

Previous Document ID


uninstall McAfee Enterprise ver 4.5

uninstall McAfee Enterprise ver 4.5 ,7 and 8
hi , im just wondering if Mcafee has a removal tool that would uninstall
mcafee antivirus version 4.5,7 and 8. it would help if i can have the
removal in a batch file or a removal program. I dont want to remove them
manually. Refference to sites would be appreciated. thank you for your


it's easy to remove the virusscan products with a commandline script
like this:

rem VirusScan 4.5 remove
%SystemRoot%\System32\MsiExec.exe /X
{63CB7620-B423-4BF1-A7E4-75BB8B64740E} /qb-! REMOVE=ALL

rem VirusScan 4.5 SP1 remove
%SystemRoot%\System32\MsiExec.exe /X
{63CB7620-B423-4BF1-A7E4-75BB8B64740E} /qb-! REMOVE=ALL

rem VirusScan 4.5.1 remove
%SystemRoot%\System32\MsiExec.exe /x
{87AEFD84-BC0D-11D4-B885-00508B022A51} /qb-! REMOVE=ALL

rem VirusScan 7.0.0 remove
%SystemRoot%\System32\MsiExec.exe /x
{1912F734-6580-4620-8AFD-ECCCEA19CDE2} /qb-! REMOVE=ALL

rem VirusScan 7.1.0 remove
%SystemRoot%\System32\MsiExec.exe /x
{59224777-298D-4E9C-9AEB-4A91BDA01B27} /qb-! REMOVE=ALL

rem VirusScan 8.0i remove
%SystemRoot%\System32\msiexec.exe /x
{5DF3D1BB-894E-4DCD-8275-159AC9829B43} /qb-! REMOVE=ALL
If you have problems you can also use the microsoft cleanup utility
(MSIZAP.exe) - see the postings in this forum

REM remove everything from VirusScan 4.5
call msizap.exe T {63CB7620-B423-4BF1-A7E4-75BB8B64740E}

REM remove everything from VirusScan 4.5.1 Englisch
call msizap.exe T {87AEFD84-BC0D-11D4-B885-00508B022A51}

REM remove everything from VirusScan 4.5.1 Deutsch
call msizap.exe T {39C30C0D-01B0-4AF8-8FB9-18B749CD3542}

REM Remove VirusScan 7.0 Enterprise
call msizap.exe T {1912F734-6580-4620-8AFD-ECCCEA19CDE2}

REM Remove VirusScan 7.1 Enterprise
call msizap.exe T {59224777-298D-4E9C-9AEB-4A91BDA01B27}

REM Remove VirusScan 8.0 Enterprise
call msizap.exe T {5DF3D1BB-894E-4DCD-8275-159AC9829B43}

REM Remove VirusScan TC
call MSIZAP.EXE T {18DE52D4-3BDB-11D4-B836-00508B022A51}

REM Remove McAfee Alert Manager
call msizap.exe T {71014214-9627-11D4-B865-00508B022A51}

REM Remove McAfee Alert Manager 4.7.1
call msizap.exe T {608C063B-8EF7-4669-8923-49C3338BF154}

REM Remove Nimda/Funlove Scan Version 2.0
call msizap.exe T {568F44F0-D83C-11D4-814E-005004260652}

good luck


How to remove VirusScan Enterprise via the command line using msiexec.exe

Corporate KnowledgeBase

How to remove VirusScan Enterprise via the command line using

Corporate KnowledgeBase ID: KB52648
Published: February 04, 2009


All supported operating systems. For details, see KB51109


Performing a command-line removal of VirusScan Enterprise might be
necessary if removal via the Windows Add/Remove Programs feature fails.

Solution 1

VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) command line uninstallation using

1. Click Start, Run.
Type the removal string for your version of VSE, then click OK.

VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i
msiexec /x {147BCE03-C0F1-4C9F-8157-6A89B6D2D973} REMOVE=ALL

VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i
msiexec.exe /x {35C03C04-3F1F-42C2-A989-A757EE691F65} REMOVE=ALL

VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i
msiexec.exe /x {5DF3D1BB-894E-4DCD-8275-159AC9829B43} REMOVE=ALL

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Six BlackBerry Shortcuts for Business

Six BlackBerry Shortcuts for Business

By Marc Saltzman

You can send e-mail on your BlackBerry by hitting the comma key, or
reply by tapping the exclamation point. These days, typing shortcuts can
shave precious seconds off a task - and those add up, especially when
you're on the road.

If you're one of the millions of mobile businesspersons who use -- and
rely upon -- a BlackBerry <> smartphone from
Waterloo, Ont.-based Research in Motion
<> (RIM), you might not be getting the
most out of your handheld device.

Oh sure, you take advantage of its reliable "push e-mail," phone,
document viewing and perhaps GPS functionality, but there are a handful
of keyboard shortcuts and other assorted tips that can help save you
time and aggravation.

"When you think about the fact that people often use their BlackBerry
for brief and intermittent tasks throughout the day, it's easy to
understand why they want it to be super-intuitive -- after all,
technology should make your life simpler," says Mark Guibert, vice
president of corporate marketing at RIM. "Some of the most commonly used
BlackBerry shortcuts are the ones that make it easier to type messages
faster or help you find information quicker."

Richard Shim, research manager for personal computing at IDC
<> , a Framingham, Mass.-based market research firm,
says BlackBerrys are productivity tools, and anything you can do to
enhance productivity is a benefit to the user. "Navigation, for example,
is important on a device with a small screen, so shortcuts that help you
navigate easier are a plus." "Similarly, e-mail on small keyboard could
also be a challenge so any shortcut you can build in is a bonus."

The following are a few good shortcuts to consider. Unless otherwise
specified, these tips should work with all newer BlackBerry models
(8700, 8800 series) but might also work with older handsets, too. When
in doubt, check your handset's documentation or RIM's website.

Easily lock the BlackBerry

How many times has your BlackBerry accidentally called someone when
slipped into your pocket or purse (or worse, at 1 a.m.)? While we'd
still like to see an iPod-like switch on top of the BlackBerry to lock
its keyboard, try this as a next-best-thing. A small Stand-By button
lies at the top of the handset (near the power button). It might look
like a speaker with a slash through it. Hold it down for a second and it
will say "Entering Standby Mode," and your screen will go dark.
Essentially this locks your keyboard until you press the Stand-By button
again, and yes you will still get incoming phone calls and e-mails.

Speed dial

If there's a business contact, family member, or friend you call
regularly, you can assign them a speed-dial letter, which is a breeze to
use. On QWERTY- and SureType-based BlackBerrys, simply hold down a
button from the main screen, such as F, and you will see a pop-up window
that says "Assign a Speed Dial to the F key?" After you select "Yes," it
opens your address book to select the contact you wish to assign to that
letter (such as home for "H"). If you want to call into your voice mail,
the fastest way to do it is to hold down the 1 key.

E-mail reading shortcuts

Navigating through all your e-mail can be a time-consuming process. Ever
stepped off a long flight, turned your BlackBerry on, and found 75
messages in your inbox? Here are a few cool shortcuts:

* When inside an e-mail, click the N button to go to the "next"
message. This is much faster than exiting the e-mail and then scrolling
down to open the next one. Press the P button to go to the "previous"
* To jump down a page in a long e-mail, press the Space (spacebar)
button. To move up a page, press Shift button and the spacebar at any
time. If you're at the end of a lengthy message and want to quickly go
back to the top -- don't scroll all the way up -- instead press the T
button to move your cursor back to the "top" of the screen.
* When reading an e-mail, reply to the message quickly by pressing
the R key, reply to all by pressing the L or forward the message by
pressing the F key.

Faster e-mail addresses

If you're manually typing in an email address -- such as one that's
being read to you over the phone -- you don't need to enter the symbols
area to type "@" and "." as in Instead, when typing an
e-mail address into the To, Cc or Bcc field, simply press the spacebar
where the "@" and "." symbols should go and your BlackBerry will
automatically place those common symbol there. On a related note,
anytime you want to type a period when drafting an e-mail, you can do it
quicker but tapping the spacebar twice.

Switch between applications quickly

"One of my favorites is the ALT-ESCAPE shortcut for switching
applications," adds RIM's Guibert. "Try sharing that shortcut with a
BlackBerry user for the first time and you'll gain a friend for life."

Delete e-mails quickly

You've got an inbox full of read messages on your BlackBerry, dating
back a week or two. Time for some spring cleaning? There's a speedy way
to do this opposed to clicking on the first e-mail message, holding down
the Shift button, and then scrolling to the last one in order to
highlight them all. Instead, select a date field, visible in between
your emails, such as "Sun, Jan 27, 2008" and then choose the option to
"Delete Prior." As you might guess, all e-mails sent prior to this date
will be deleted from the BlackBerry.

How to: BlackBerry 8800 Keyboard Shortcuts

How to: BlackBerry 8800 Keyboard Shortcuts <>

March 14th, 2007

BlackBerry 8800 Keyboard Shortcuts <outbind://2/img/rim/8800_keys.jpg> We have compiled a list of common BlackBerry keyboard shortcuts for the new BlackBerry 8800. The image to the right (click to enlarge) details the 8800's keypad and its functions.

Basic Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used in many applications:

* To move the cursor, roll the trackball.
* To exit a screen or to move to a previous page in a browser, press the Escape key.
* To move to a list item or menu item, type the first letter of the item.
* To select or clear a check box, click the Space key.
* To view available values in a field, press the Alt key.
* To switch applications, hold the Alt key and press the Escape key. Continue holding the Alt key and select an application. Release the Alt key.
* To return to the Home screen, press the End key.
* To delete a highlighted item, press the Backspace/Delete key.
* To turn on a theme or notification profile, select a theme or notification profile, then press the Space key.

Phone Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used in the Phone application or during a phone call:

* To answer a phone call, press the Send key.
* To view the contact list, hold the Send key.
* To insert a plus sign ( + ) when typing a phone number, hold 0.
* To add an extension to a phone number, press the Alt key and the X key, then type the extension number.
* To assign a speed dial number to a key, from the Home screen or in the Phone application, hold the key you want to assign. Type the phone number.
* To turn on the speakerphone during a call, press the Speakerphone key.
* To turn off the speakerphone during a call, press the Speakerphone key.
* To check your voice mail, hold 1.
* To type a letter in a phone number field, press the Alt key and the letter.
* To move to the top of the Phone screen, press the Space key.
* To view the last phone number that you typed, press the Space key and the Enter key. Press the Send key to dial the number.

Message Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used in a message:

* To reply to a message, press R.
* To reply to all, press L.
* To forward a message, press F.
* To file a highlighted email message, press I.
* To view the email address of a contact, in a message, highlight the contact. Press Q. To view the display name again, press Q.

The following shortcuts can be used in a message list:

* To open a higlighted message, press the Enter key.
* To compose a message from the message list, press C.
* To mark a message as opened or unopened, press the Alt key and U.
* To view received messages, press the Alt key and I.
* To view sent messages, press the Alt key and O.
* To view voice mail messages, press the Alt key and V.
* To view Short Message Service (SMS) text messages, press the Alt key and S.
* To view call logs, press the Alt key and P.
* To view all your messages again, press the Escape key.

The following shortcuts can be used to move around a message list:

* To move to the top of a screen, press the Shift key and the Space key.
* To move to the bottom of a screen, press the Space key.
* To move to the top of a message list, press T.
* To move to the bottom of a message list, press B.
* To move to the next date, press N.
* To move to the previous date, press P.
* To move to the next unopened item, press U.
* To move to the next related message, press J.
* To move to the previous related message, press K.

Typing Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used when typing text in an application:

* To insert a period, press the Space key twice. The next letter is capitalized.
* To capitalize a letter, hold the letter key until the capitalized letter appears.
* To type the alternate character on a key, press the Alt key and the character key.
* To type an accented or special character, hold the letter key and roll the trackball to the left or right. For example, to type ü, hold U and roll the trackball to the left until ü appears. Release the letter key when the accented or special character appears.
* To type a number in a number field, press a number key. You do not need to press the Alt key.
* To type a number in a password field, hold the Alt key and press the number key.
* To turn on NUM lock, press the Alt key and the Left Shift key.
* To turn on CAP lock, press the Alt key and the Right Shift key.
* To turn off NUM lock or CAP lock, press the Shift key.
* To switch typing input languages, on the Language screen, verify that the Use Input Language Shortcut field is set to Yes. Hold the Alt key and press the Enter key. Continue to hold the Alt key and highlight a language. Release the Alt key.

The following shortcuts can be used to Insert symbols:

* To insert an at sign (@) or a period (.) in an email address field, press the Space key.
* To type a symbol, press the Symbol key. Type the letter that appears below the symbol.

The following shortcuts can be used to work with text:

* To highlight a line of text, press the Shift key and roll the trackball.
* To highlight text character by character, hold the Shift key and roll the trackball left or right.
* To cancel a text selection, press the Escape key.
* To cut highlighted text when typing, press the Shift key and the Backspace/Delete key.
* To copy highlighted text when typing, press the Alt key and click the trackball.
* To paste highlighted text when typing, press the Shift key and click the trackball.

Search Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used when searching in an application:

* To search for a contact in a list of contacts, type the contact name or initials separated by a space.
* To search for text in a message or memo, press S.
* To search for text in an attachment or web page, press F.
* To search for text in a presentation attachment, verify that you are viewing the presentation in text view or in text and slide view. Press F.

Attachment Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used when viewing attachments:

* To search for text in an attachment, press F.
* To move to the last cursor position after closing and reopening an attachment, press G.

The following shortcuts can be used in a spreadsheet:

* To move to a specific cell, press G.
* To view the content of a cell, press the Space key.
* To switch worksheets, press V. Highlight a worksheet. Press the Enter key.
* To view hidden columns or rows, press H.
* To hide the columns or rows again, press H.

The following shortcuts can be used in a presentation:

* To switch presentation views, press M.
* To move to the next slide, press N.
* To move to the previous slide, press P.
* To move to the last cursor position after closing and reopening a presentation attachment, verify that you are viewing the presentation in text view or in text and slide view. Press G.

Browser Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used in the browser applications:

* To insert a period (.) in the Go To dialog box, press the Space key.
* To insert a slash mark (/) in the Go To dialog box, press the Shift key and the Space key.
* To open the browser options, in the browser, press O.
* To stop loading a web page, press the Escape key.
* To hide the browser, press D.
* To close the browser, hold the Escape key.

The following shortcuts can be used on a web page:

* To move to a specific web page, press G.
* To return to the home page, press H.
* To open the bookmark list, press K.
* To add a bookmark, press A.
* To view a list of web pages that you have visited recently, press I.
* To refresh a web page, press R.
* To view the address for a link, highlight a link. Press L.
* To view the address for a web page, press P.
* To save a web page to a message list, press S.
* To follow a highlighted link, press the Enter key.
* To hide the banner, press U.
* To view the banner again, press U.
* To view a thumbnail version of a web page, press X. To return to the normal view, press any key.

The following shortcuts can be used to navigate a web page:

* To move forward a screen, press the Shift key and the Space key.
* To move to a previous screen, press the Space key.
* To move to the top of a web page, press T.
* To move to the bottom of a web page, press B.

Media Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used in the Media application:

* To pause a video or song, press the Mute key.
* To resume playing a video or song, press the Mute key.
* To rotate a picture, press R.
* To zoom in to a picture, press I.
* To zoom out from a picture, press O.
* To zoom to the original picture size, press W.

Maps Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used in the Maps application:

* To zoom in to a map, press I.
* To zoom out from a map, press O.
* To view the status information at the top of a map, press U. To hide the status information at the top of a map, press U again.
* To switch views, press the Space key.

Calendar Shortcuts
The following shortcuts can be used in the Calendar Day view:
Note: To allow shortcuts in Day view, in the Calendar options, set the Enable Quick Entry field to No.

* To schedule an appointment, press C.
* To change to Agenda view, press A.
* To change to Day view, press D.
* To change to Week view, press W.
* To change to Month view, press M.
* To move to the next day, week, or month, press the Space key.
* To move to the previous day, week, or month, press the Shift key and the Space key.
* To move to the current date, press T.
* To move to a specific date, press G.

BlackBerry Tips -

Key Guide
* ALT: 'Half moon' key on the left of the keyboard
* SHIFT: 'Triangle' keys on either side of the SPACE key
* CAP: Right-hand SHIFT key
* ESC: Button below the trackwheel

When you run into a phone number that uses letters, don't fret. Simply
hold ALT and dial the letters where they appear in the number. They will
be automatically converted to numerals when the call is placed.

Create A Custom Auto Signature

Have you noticed that every email you send to a client, co-worker, or
friend from your BlackBerry ends with the line, "Sent from my BlackBerry
Wireless Handheld"? Would you like to change that to something a bit
more . . . you? Well, it's really quite simple. Connect your BlackBerry
to your PC via your sync cable (or, if you use a Bluetooth connection in
order to sync, prepare that connection). Open the Desktop Manager by
clicking its icon or by navigating to it via your computer's Start menu.
Click the Redirecter Settings icon in Desktop Manager. Click the General
tab. Here you should see the Auto Signature field containing the message
"Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld." Edit this message to create
your new signature or simply delete it if you don't wish to use an Auto

Reboot Without Removing The Battery

BlackBerry devices seem to have a penchant for locking up or otherwise
stalling, especially if the device is left in the dock for too long.
Once this happens, most of us will sigh, remove the cover from the back,
and lift the battery out for two seconds before reinserting it. Surely
there must be a better way, right?

Well, it just so happens that there's a simple keyboard shortcut that
will rollover your BlackBerry. Simply hold ALT-CAP-BACKSPACE at the same
time for a full second to perform a hard reboot of your device.

Activate Keyboard Lock With One Key

In the last issue, we shared a simple, two-button shortcut to lock the
keyboard on your BlackBerry. Since then, we've discovered an even
simpler method, using only one key. It requires alteration of a few
settings, but once finished, it works like a charm. From the Home
Screen, press the K key on your keypad. If the cursor does not leap to
an icon, you're in business. (This shortcut will not work if there is an
application which has K as a shortcut key.) Go to the Telephone

From the main screen, select Options from the menu. Select General
Options. Now, set Dial From Home Screen to No. From this point forward,
pressing K will lock your keyboard.

Smartcodes make inputting certain types of information, like dates,
times, and software version, much easier.

Use SmartCodes

Did you know that there are codes you can use to simplify communication
of things like the current time or your BlackBerry's software version?
You can use them in any text input field (email messages or SMS [Short
Message Service], for example), and they really come in handy,
especially when communicating with your Enterprise Network
administrator. Simply type the following codes where you would like the
corresponding information to be displayed:

* Myver: Inserts the software version of your BlackBerry
* Mypin: Returns the PIN number of your handheld
* Mysig: Shows the owner information on this device
* LD: Inserts the local date
* LT: Inserts the local time

Get All Status Updates On One Screen

There are times where you just need to see every ounce of information
about your BlackBerry all at once. Thankfully, there is a screen on your
BlackBerry that will update you on everything going on with it at any
given time. It's called the Help Me! screen and it lists the firmware
version, application version, PIN, IMEI (International Mobile Equipment
Identity), uptime, signal strength, battery level, amount of free space,
and total number of files on your BlackBerry at the present moment. To
access this screen, hold down ALT-CAP at the same time and then press
the letter H key.

Dial 1-800-NICE-TIP

Here's a handy little trick you can use when you need to dial a phone
number which has letters in it (1-800-GO-FEDEX, for example). Instead of
trying to figure out which letters are associated with each number on
the dialpad, just dial the letters where they appear in the number by
pressing the ALT key and typing the letters out. The letters will appear
in the number field, and once you place the call, they will
automatically be converted into their numerical equivalent.

Confirm Delivery Of Your Sent Email Messages

Have you ever sent a message to someone's BlackBerry and later wondered
if the user ever received it? Well, with this tip, you'll be notified
the second the message reaches your recipient's inbox.

To receive delivery confirmation, type <confirm> in the subject line of
your outgoing message, like so:

Subject: <confirm> Meeting This Thursday


Subject: Follow-up on FDTS Conference <confirm>

Once the message is delivered to your chosen receiver's BlackBerry, you
will receive a confirmation message that looks like this:

Follow-up on FDTS Conference: has been delivered to the recipient's
BlackBerry Handheld

To ensure your SMS text messages are delivered to the recipient's
handset, set Delivery Reports to ON.

Confirm Delivery Of Your SMS Messages

Just like confirming delivery of your email messages, sometimes you need
to know the second your SMS text messages are delivered to a recipient.
To make sure you're kept up-to-date on the status of your messages,
select Options from the Home Screen. Select SMS. Scroll down to Delivery
Reports and set it to YES. From this point forward, whenever an SMS is
delivered to a recipient's handheld device (not necessarily a
BlackBerry; this will work with any SMS-capable device), you will see a
small "d" next to the message in your history.

It is worth noting that certain providers, especially internationally,
do not have mutual standards and/or agreements on SMS delivery. For this
reason, you may not see delivery confirmation on SMS messages (and, in
some cases, may not be able to send SMS to that user at all).

More Than One Email Address Per Contact

You don't have to revert to Outlook or Desktop Manager to store more
than one email address for a contact. You can do it from the handheld
itself. To add a second or third email address for a contact, go to
Address Book from the Home Screen. Select a contact to update. Click the
wheel and select Edit. Click the wheel and select Add Email Address.
Input the alternate email address for your contact, click the wheel, and
save the entry. The next time you send a message to this contact, you
will be presented with the available addresses.

by Joe Peacock

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cara Mengaktifkan Layanan BlackBerry

Cara Mengaktifkan Layanan BlackBerry

Wednesday, 15 April 2009 07:48
Berikut langkah-langkahnya:

Megaktifkan layanan BIS (BlackBerry Internet Service) dari Operator, berikut
pilihan berlangganan dan cara meng-aktifkannya :

call: *222#
Rp. 3.500/hari
Rp. 25.000/minggu
Rp. 100.000/bulan
sms: 889
bis1 bb (type)
bis2 bb (seri)
Rp. 50/000/minggu
Rp. 160.000/bulan (prepaid)
Rp. 175.000/bulan (postpaid)
sms: 333
bb reg
Rp. 180.000/bulan
sms: 568
bb on (daily)
bb bulan (monthly)
bb stop (stop)
Rp. 5.000/hari
Rp. 150.000/bulan
Pastikan lambang GPRS/EDGE di handheld adalah huruf besar semuanya
Kemudian akses menu email settings pada handheld BlackBerry anda
Setelah itu anda akan dibawah ke menu-menu untuk mendaftarkan email-email
Setelah didaftarkan email-email anda, maka anda HARUS membuat username dan
password untuk BIS account anda
Membuat BIS account anda caranya ke menu utama (masih tetap di email
settings) kemudian pilih link create username
Setelah itu isi username dan password yang dikehendaki.
PERHATIAN: username tidak bisa dirubah-rubah. Password masih bisa
diganti-ganti. dan jangan memberikan username ini kesiapapun juga untuk
menjaga privacy anda> Tujuan dari mengisi BIS account anda agar anda dapat
edit BIS account anda melalui web client operator (seperti,, dan yang terpenting anda dapat melakukan
edit signature pada setiap email yang anda kirimkan

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