Saturday, January 05, 2008

Biaya untuk upgrade Windows XP Home Edition ke Windows XP Professional 32 bit.

Berapa sih biayanya ??

Kalo harga resminya sih perbedaan keduanya adalah sekitar US$ 100. Ini
saya ambil dari info harga di website bhineka.

Windows XP Professional With SP 2 US$ 295

Windows XP Home Edition English CD w/ SP 2 US$ 198

Terlihat khan bedanya.
Tp gosipnya, harga utk upgradenya lbh murah kok.
Tapi berapa yaa..??

Wah, gak ada yg jual di indonesia harga upgradenya..
So... Mending beli baru aja, sama murahnya kok, cm nambah harga sedikit.
Ini harganya :
N09-01428 Windows XP Home SP2 87
E85-03913 Windows XP Pro SP2 144

Murah khan. Ini yg jual softwareasli dot kom.
Silahkan aja di cek website mereka.

Nyerah deh, di indonesia, gak jual upgrade2an..
Yg ada, versi bajakannya aja..

Ada yg lbh revolusioner lagi (baca : jurus utak-atik), ini di publish
oleh rekan kita di :
Berapa biayanya ............ GRATIS alias NOL Rupiah.. :)
Hebat khan...

HOW TO Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Pro

We can't vouch for this hack, because we are too lazy to try it (and we
never, ever violate copyrights or EULAs)icon_smile.gif, but the process
for turning an Windows XP Home install disc to a Windows XP Pro disc
after the jump.

It sounds pretty simple to do (just some registry changes), but you
can't install Service Pack 2, so you might try to slipstream in the
changes to your modified install disc (if that's even possible).

Alternately, buy XP Pro, or get a Mac.

Yes indeed, you can't change an installed Windows but only your
Installation CD (or even a recovery CD in case the manufacturer had not
left out important parts)

Here's the detailed breakdown you asked for.

1. Copy the root directory and the i386 directory of the WindowsXP CD
to your harddisk
2. Extract the Bootsector of your WindowsXP CD
3. Change 2 Bytes in i386\ :
a) Open Regedit
c) Menu: File -> Load Structure -> i386\
d) Assign an arbitrary name to the imported structure e.g. "Homekey"
e) Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Homekey\ControlSet001\Services\setupdd
f) edit the binary key "default" and change "01" to "00" and "02" to
g) Highlight "Homekey" and select menu: File -> unload structure
4. Burn your new XP Pro CD
5. Install WindowsXP as usual. Your XP Home Key will work.

Note: You cannot apply SP2 to such a WindowsXP Pro, so step 1.b)
might be to integrate SP2 in your Installation CD..

Please check the menu-entries as I don't owe an English copy of
XP and have to guess them.

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