Here we go again.
Must our blog have marketing campaign ???
Sure.. Why we should not promote our blog ? IMHO, blog is a place to share stories and information. In my case, i share information, where people usually need to have experienced first, then they know it. Even IT is a belong to everyone, and the biggest information available in internet is about IT, but no one discuss it or share its factual and day-to-day information easily. Everyone talk in abstract and conceptual level, not in an applicable way. That's why, i would like to share information that is available on experience basis.
Also, there is one more thing, why the information is very sensitive. It is because, IT guy, usually have a pride (gengsi euy...) and not willing to share easily. Information is not easily available and not easily share, except to someone respectable, someone in their community, and to their inferior.
Last information : IT guy is a lazy guy. That's why we keep doing things faster and better. And we are lazy to keep it administered or written. :) In the end, off course, everyone enjoy the development of IT technology from all lazy guy in the world. :D
So, information in my point of view, we must have the world know our progress and our information. So novice can learn faster and having a new experience, so they could share again their new knowledge. And not wasting times in learning old method.
Today, one and half month after release. The blog reaching 50 unique visitor per day and already over 1000 visitor (as per ad sense result). 600 unique visitor listed.
Here is the development engine :
- Google Analytics : . Google analytics is a new way to improve your website, not just a blog. It tooks a small script in to your html file, then the data it gathered, will be compiled. So you could focus your marketing campaign and energy to the right spot and get the best of it. How you could improve things, if it not yet known. Analytics help you to do things in right way. This information is available for free.
- Google Adsense : Adsense is another way to monetize your blog/web.
- Cluster Maps (smaller maps) : . This map, brings smaller view. Easy to download. To make a good view from your web.
- Category Listing. This is to help people looking information easily. I will explain it in detailed post.
- Donation by Paypal : This is also a way to make money from your site.
- Locomaps deleted, cause the file to big (225 kb). This is to ensure, everyone get the information from me, not downloading unuseable big picture.
How do i marketing my blog :
- Main tool : Email marketing through community
- Main weapon : good content.
- Email marketing through signature
- Listing to web service & ads, stopped. Too many listing & automatic listing will have negative effect on Google.
- Blogroll continue.
Target next 1 months : 100 visitor per day. More than 50% must come from search engine.
Could I achieve this ? Let me know the result and let me know how, if you have any idea. Any idea is appreciated.
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