Sunday, March 25, 2007

Software : CMS with Joomla

Here is Joomla is all about :

Short description:
Joomla! is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet. It is used all over the world for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications. Joomla! is easy to install, simple to manage, and reliable.

It's web is located in :

Currently, newest stable released is in version 1.0.12. take a look below to get idea, and start download it. It run on PHP web server. So choose carefully your web hosting service.

Joomla! 1.0.12 Released

Tuesday, 12 December 2006

Joomla! 1.0.12 [ Sunfire ] is available as of Monday the 25th of December 2006 1:00 UTC for download here.

We suggest that all Joomla! users upgrade to this version.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

ISP : ISP List from Depkominfo

Here is list from depkominfo site (copy & paste directly). As you well known, this list is an additional information about ISP in Indonesia. You could check my previous list about ISP in :

Aplikanusa Lintasarta, PT -

Kantor : Gedung Menara Thamrin 12th Floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3, Jakarta Telepon : (021) 230-2345

AsiakomNet Multimedia, PT -

Gedung Gratika, Kramat Raya 140 Jakarta
Telp: (021) 3190 3456

Bitnet Komunikasindo, PT -

Kantor : Jl. R.P. Soeroso 37, Jakarta Telepon : (021) 390-3939

Broadband Multimedia, Tbk - kabelvision

Telepon : (021) 527-8811 Jakarta

Bukit Mahligai, PT -

Telepon : (021) 520-9060 Jakarta

Bumi Sejahtera Intikencana, PT -

Kantor : Kompleks Ruko Beteng Blok B8 , Solo Telepon : (0271) 657-625

Caraka Binetkatara, PT -

Kantor : Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia Tower C, Lt. 14, 15, Penthouse, Jl. Let. Jen. TB. Simatupang Kav.88 Jakarta Telepon : (021) 785-17800

Centrin Utama, PT -

Kantor : Jl. Braga No. 76 , Bandung Telepon : (022) 423-4346

Comtronics System, PT -

Kantor : Jl. Setrasari Mall Blok B4 No 74, Bandung Telepon : (022) 200-9131

Cyberindo Aditama, PT -

Kantor : Manggala Wanabakti IV, 6th Floor, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Telepon : (021) 574-2488

Dyviacom Intrabumi, PT -

Kantor : Menara Batavia Lobby Level, Jl KH Mas Mansyur Kav 126 Jakarta Telepon : (021) 572-7218

Elgayasa Media, PT -

Kantor : Jl.Lembong No.14, Bandung Telepon : (022) 422-0751

Excelcomindo Pratama, PT -

Kantor : Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot. E4-7 No. 1, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Telepon : (021) 5795-9675

Fajar Informasi Globalnet, PT -

Kantor : Elektrindo Building Lt 10, Jl Kuningan Barat No 8, Jakarta Telepon : (021) 526-9559

Gama Nusa Persada, PT -

Jakarta Telepon : (021) 831-2222

Generasi Indonesia Digital, PT - Gen.Net.ID

Kantor : Elektrindo Bldg. 10th Fl. Jl.Kuningan Barat No.8 Jakarta 12710 Telp. : (021) 5266 222, Fax : (021) 5296 3327

Global Pratamasis Netsindo -

Kantor : Gedung Patra Jasa #20-40 Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34 Jakarta Telepon : (021) 5290-0688

Indo Pratama Cybernet, PT -

Kantor : Menara Bidakara Lt. Dasar Suite 14, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kv. 71-73, Jakarta Telepon : (021) 837-01988

Indointernet, PT -

Kantor : Grha Citra Caraka (Gedung Telkom) Lantai M, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav 52, Jakarta Telepon : (021) 525-8182

Indosat, PT -

Jl. Kebagusan Raya No. 36 Ragunan
Telp.: (021) 386-4901

Infokom Elektrindo, PT

Menara Kebon Sirih Lt. 26, Jl. Kebon Sirih 17-19
Telp.: (021) 392-9925

Internet Abad Millenium, PT -

(031) 841-8896


BPPT, Gd.1 - Lt.16 , Jl. M.H. Thamrin 8
Telp.: (021) 316-8701

Jala Widya Caraka, PT -

Telp: (022) 251-2982

Jasnita Telekomindo, PT -

E Trade Building 5th Floor, Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim 5
Telp: (021) 391-6280

Medialintas Antar Buana, PT -

Telp.: (021) 582-5372

Pasific Link Indonesia -

Wisma Dharma Niaga, 1st floor Jl. Abdul Muis 6-8-10
Telp: (021) 386-3146

Transmedia Mitra Indonesia, PT -

Grha Citra Caraka, Telkom Bld, Mezzanine Floor,
Jl. Jend.Gatot Subroto 52
Telp: (021) 750-7210

Info : Applying for .ID domain

Below are requirement to apply & get .ID domain.
You could get,,,,,,,

See below information (in Bahasa), to get your .,ID domain name.

Jadi kalo elo butuh .id, tinggal liat aja persyaratan dibawah. Jadi gak perlu bingung lagi. ok.

Persyaratan Penggunaan DTD danPendaftaran Nama Domain

DTD(Domain Tingkat Dua)

Persyaratan Penggunaan DTD danPendaftaran Nama Domain
  • Untuk lembaga pendidikan minimal penyelenggara setara diploma I
  • SK Depdikbud pendirian lembaga
  • No Akta Pendirian / SK REKTOR (Pimpinan Lembaga)
  • Surat pernunjukan/kuasa dari pejabat tertinggi lembaga pendidikan tentang pendaftar domain
  • Fotokopi KTP/kartu identitas penerima kuasa.
  • Untuk perusahaan Swasta yang memiliki Badan Hukum
  • Fotokopi KTP Penanggung jawab
  • NPWP
  • SIUP / Akte Pendirian Perusahaan
  • khusus untuk perusahaan, pastikan bahwa Anda memiliki nama perusahaan (harus disertai nomor NPWP atau SIUP) yang sama atau berhubungan dengan domain yang Anda pilih.
  • Surat pendaftaran merk atau hak paten (bila ada).
  • Untuk area pemerintahan seperti Instansi, Departemen, Lembaga, Badan, DPR, MA, BPK, Komisi (yang dibentuk berdasar undang-undang), dll.
  • Pendaftar bertindak atas nama badan/lembaga/institusi pemerintah dan termasuk dalam kategori departemen, non departemen, DPR, MA, BPK, dll.
  • Surat Keputusan Kepala Institusi/ minimal pejabat eselon2 tentang pemilihan nama domain.
  • Nama domain yang didaftarkan harus merupakan nama resmi lembaga, instansi, departemen, yang berkaitan dengan pemerintah Indonesia.
  • Nama domain mengacu pada Rancangan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi Dan Informatika Tahun 2006 tentang penggunaan nama domain untuk situs web resmi penyelenggara Negara.
  • Struktur organisasi dari pemerintahan yang berkaitan dengan kantor tersebut akan digunakan sebagai landasan dalam menentukan nama serta susunan selanjutnya dari sub-domain
  • Domain untuk TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia)
  • Pendaftar bertindak atas nama TNI.
  • Adanya Surat Keputusan tentang pemilihan nama domain.
  • Nama domain yang didaftarkan harus merupakan nama resmi lembaga
  • Struktur organisasi dari instasi akan digunakan sebagai landasan dalam menentukan nama serta susunan selanjutnya dari sub-domain.
  • Untuk organisasi pemegang Ijin Penyelenggara jasa telekomunikasi (ISP, Telco, VSAT, Seluler dll.)
  • Fotokopi KTP Penanggung jawab
  • Ijin usaha telekomunikasi (ISP, Telco, VSAT, Seluler dll.) dari Pemerintah.
  • Untuk Organisasi/ Yayasan/ Perkumpulan/ Komunitas
  • Fotokopi KTP Penanggung jawab
  • SK. Organisasi / Akte Yayasan / Akte Organisasi
  • Untuk Lembaga Pendidikan seperti SD, SMP, SMU, dan lainnya yang beroperasi sesuai dengan perundangan yang berlaku, baik yang berada di bawah naungan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional maupun dibawah naungan instansi pemerintah lainnya.
  • Surat pengajuan resmi dari Pimpinan Sekolah (diatas kop surat, ditandatangani dan dibubuhi stempel sekolah ybs)
  • Surat penugasan dari Pimpinan Sekolah kepada Penanggungjawab Domain yang disertai dengan identitas dari Penanggungjawab Domain


  • Disarankan untuk menambahkan nama kota atau singkatan kota dalam domain sekolah, misalnya:
  • Setiap pengiriman ulang, seluruh berkas persyaratan tetap dilampirkan
  • Untuk usaha Warung Internet
  • Fotokopi KTP Penanggung jawab
  • SIUP / Ijin Mengadakan Keramaian (jika ada)
  • Untuk organisasi atau perorangan
  • Fotokopi KTP Penanggung jawab
  • Surat Keterangan organisasi

Info : Register .ID domain

In the last few days, I'm a bit confused looking for a way to register .ID domain. Now, I finnaly found how to get there.

There is two way to get registered or having domain with .ID in the back of your domain name.
1. Go to : and click DOMAIN ID graphic button on right column.
2. Go to :

Anything you choose will be on the same page :D

Here is information regarding registering domain with .ID :
(sorry, in bahasa, please remember that the information is valid till today 22 March 2007).


  1. Depkominfo telah menerima zone file berdasarkan batas akhir tanggal 31 Agustus 2005 yang mengacu pada Nota Kesepahaman tanggal 22 Juli 2005 antara Sekjen APJII dan Pengelola ccTLD tentang kelangsungan pelayanan pengelolaan nama domain .ID
  2. Pendaftaran untuk nama domain baru sudah dapat dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 3 Oktober 2005 pukul 18.00 WIB.Klik disini
  3. Pendaftaran nama domain baru belum dipungut biaya/iuran.
  4. Sehubungan dengan telah beroperasinya aplikasi sistem pengelolaan nama domain.ID dan telah dilengkapinya database domain.ID dengan bantuan dari beberapa ISP dan komunitas Internet Indonesia, maka dengan ini kami menutup pendaftaran ulang.
  5. Data yang telah terkumpul dari pendaftaran ulang akan kami pergunakan untuk verifikasi dan pembanding.
  6. Bagi pemilik/pengelola nama domain.ID yang belum mendaftar ulang, dapat memverifikasi kepemilikan, melakukan perubahan dan penghapusan nama domain.ID melalui, khusus bagi yang ingin melakukan perubahan dan penghapusan nama domain.ID, harus membuat account melalui pendaftaran user serta melakukan aktivasi terlebih dahulu.
  7. Semua nama domain.ID yang masa berlakunya berakhir ditahun 2006 akan diperbaharui hingga tanggal 31 Maret 2007. Perpanjangan masa berlaku nama domain.ID tidak dipungut biaya
  8. Pertanyaan mengenai pengelolaan nama domain dapat diajukan melalui Email: telp:(021) 6883 0615


1. Untuk sementara, pendaftaran maupun pengelolaan domain akan lebih optimal jika menggunakan web browser Firefox [download di sini]. Untuk browser lainnya, ada kemungkinan terjadi error pada interface.

2. Untuk email aktivasi registrasi yang menggunakan email dari yahoo, mohon periksa bulk folder anda.

3. Sistem pengelolaan domain .ID ini dapat diakses melalui link berikut

4. Perubahan nomor telepon support domain .ID menjadi 021-68830615 dan 021-71314018

5. Pendaftaran domain .ID secara gratis diperpanjang hingga 30 April 2007

Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini.


Indonesia, all of information and communication is handled by Ministry / Department of Communication and Information Technology of The Republic of Indonesia. In bahasa : Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia.

It address is in :
Office is located in :
Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 9, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

In this site you will get many information about the department. IT regulation and official /legal law in Indonesia. On the frontpage, you will see mainly depkominfo news and many important links, such as scholarship, government regulation, e-procurement, community, and many more.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Site : Offline Ms Windows Update

Now we are review another method of updating windows. Just go to this site :

Promise to give offline alternative to microsoft Windows Update mechanism, this site is supported by cachefly.

It deliver autoupdate option, after SP2. Meanwhile SP2, are already embeded on many Windows XP Installer. You just need to download one time and deliver the update to multiple computer. Simple and truly alternative to windows update.

With this solution, you could improve efficiency, hassle, many clicks, automatic restart, notification. It just better than your WSUS system. It worth to try.

Currently support Windows XP, Windows 2000, & Windows 2003.

How the system works.
Download full for the first time. Then download Monthly update. Every month.
Full download, also include many tweak, registry tweak, 3rd party, patches, add on,
Currently available is February 2007 full download. Approx. 303 MB size woth to download.

Thanks guys for your solution.
Note : This solution can be applied on corporate level too. Just insert on shared folder. Insert script on your user account profile/ use it on group policy. Then your system will be updated without question. Only need one time restart.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Review : Local Business Solution

This is my last review about Mega bazaar 2007.

I would like to discuss more about our software/application solution, applicable to office environment. Here is the solution exhibited :

FINA Business Software
Application designed to help your businees in understanding & controlling it. They gave 8 surest way to increase your business profit.

RetailSoft Platinum
The developer believe that this software is the best one in retail business & general trading. It was design to increase performance and maximize control to your business.

MyBiz Software
Focus on small business offer a comprehensive solution to manage your business.

Just check their product to prove that theirs are the best.

Review : e-Box, an All in One Office Services

Having an headache for handling all services in your local network ?? Your budget got limited. e-box is one of the solution.

Refered by bos_asep again, this Open Source solution is giving you total control of your network.

Check its feature :

  • manage network objects
  • netwok configuration
  • firewall
  • administration interface
  • transparent proxy and content filter
  • LDAP server to store user & group
  • Windows PDC (Primary Domain Controller)
  • File sharing server
  • Store your mailboxes
  • Acts as mail relay
  • Jabber IM (instant messaging) server
  • DHCP server
  • DNS cache
  • NTP server (Date& Time server)
  • VLANs
  • Backup capability
Not enough ???
You must be crazy, this offer is unbelieavle at no price.

Check this out at

Review : Looking for your First Time Computer ?

Mega Bazaar 2007, already pass over a few days. One thing I take full attention is that this year, number of notebook/laptop manufacturer is getting a lot more than computer & peripheral manufacturer.

Also the price is getting to bottom line, means that the price is very cheap.

The winner for notebook with lowest price is AXIOO. You could bring home a laptop with just Rp 3.999.000,-. for type VL624NC. The lowest offered found so far. For a new user, this notebook is very recommended. If you think the notebook is not enough, then you could just sell it again for the same price, and still people wait in line. Its very hot price guys.. Useful for doing most office work, internet job, and doing enough entertainment task, such as watching DVD & listen to MP3.

Here is the list for all computer. I also, put the cheapest version of new core2duo version, so you could take a comparison.

Cheapest is VL624NC with Rp 3.999.000,-. Core2duo ML058 with Rp. 9.999.000,-

Rp 4.399.000,- for type C-715N. You will also get WebCam at this price. Its core2duo version is Rp 7.999.000,- for version Centurion C-847.

This well known brand sold its Aspire 3683NWXCi at Rp 5.799.000,-. Core2Duo could be brought home at Rp 9.600.000,- for Travelmate 3273WXMi,

Its VSeries V33i is already promoted here, but I get no info about their price at the brochure. The wireless features is exhilarated, EDGE, GPRS, GSM, Bluetooth, Wifi.. what wireless feature you can't found here.

Their cheapest version is HP500 with just Rp 4.990.000,- Its Core2duo available at tag price Rp 9.900.000,- for NX6320 series.

Just giveaway a one pink paper leaflet, offer FS-1022 (PM 710) at Rp 5.650.000,-. FS-1024 (T5500) is available at market price Rp 7.550.000,-.

Boasted as No 1. PC Brand n japan, start offering at US$ 549 for NEC Versa L2200. Core2Duo start from US$ 969 NEC Versa P7201-F1622DR or you get E6201-F1616DRC.

A new manufacturer comes up in this bazaar and offered BL-1011 at the price Rp 5.250.000,-. Core2Duo version is not available.

One of the big vendor come here with numerous new arrival notebook. You could bring home a Satellite A100/5 at Rp 6.999.000,-. The cheapest model for Core2Duo is Rp 9.599.000,- for the same model of Satellite A100/5 but with Core2Duo processor.

Another japan notebook manufacturer, bring its Lifebook series. The cheapest one is at the class of core2duo, the Lifebook S6311e at the price of Rp 15,28 jt.

One of my most favourite notebook, offered number two rank for the cheapest laptop product in this event. Starting from Rp 4.200.000,- for G320+ series. Eventhough it doesn't offer Core2Duo platform, it is surely promote the Origami. Collaborate with Microsoft, Origami is the first UltraMobilePC version.

After acquire IBM Thinkpad division, it bring an US$ 849 notebook Y400-945432A. Core2Duo can be easily bring home at US$ 959, a Y400-945433A version.

Without giving any price tag, it brings ASUS S6 leather collection. This is one of amazing breakthrough in notebook style.

So, with all of its advantages and affordable price, what are you waiting for ? No need big and heavy desktop, just bring a laptop to your home now..

Review : Open Source IP PBX (note : FREE)

Welcome to the world of open source, where solution comes for free..

My online friends recommend me about another product today, an IP PBX solution. He ask me to go to

What is exactly IP PBX ??
PBX or Private Branch eXchange (it also known as PABX : Private Automatic Branch eXchange).

Taken from SearchVoip.COm :,,sid66_gci214278,00.html

A PBX (private branch exchange) is a telephone system within an enterprise that switches calls between enterprise users on local lines while allowing all users to share a certain number of external phone lines. The main purpose of a PBX is to save the cost of requiring a line for each user to the telephone company's central office.

The PBX is owned and operated by the enterprise rather than the telephone company (which may be a supplier or service provider, however). Private branch exchanges used analog technology originally. Today, PBXs use digital technology (digital signals are converted to analog for outside calls on the local loop using plain old telephone service).

Asterisk, as they say, is the most popular and extensible open source telephone system in the world, offering flexibility, functionality and features not available in advanced, high-end (high-cost) proprietary business systems. Asterisk is a complete IP PBX (private branch exchange) for businesses, and can be downloaded for free.

Yup completely free. Welcome to the opensource where everything is free...

Yup, for every ultimate solution, there is always but. But we need hardware, not just the software. The CPU must be equipped by card to connect to your telecommunication provider, and cards to connect to your desk phone. The cheapest for telco card is about US$500 for 8 analog line. In Indonesia, a small PBX, just need about 5 mill to have small pabx.

In my opinion, Asterisk is only usefull for Middle & above corporation. It is not suitable for start up and small/micro enterprise. The cost will also increase if you count training, setup, & maintenance cost. But it is still a good option to have such a complete solution for your office.

Solution is sound by bos_asep.

Review : Audio System

Eventhough done in the same date as Mega Bazaar, this is not about Jakarta Audio - Video Exhibition (JAVE).

I take a look on many speaker, sound system, & audio entertainment system.

On personal devices, many devices looks like iPod, is coming up here. MP3/MP4 player can be easily get. I bought one too.

MP4 player could cost 500.000,- each for 1,8" screen. Compared to 1,5" about Rp 385.000,- Very interesting price. On 1,8", you could get 128x128 pixel screen size. Meanwhile 1.5" will about 96x96. A converter can be easily get. The format is is AMV format. You could only convert from MPG/AVI. VOB tested is always error.

Bluetooth technology also comes to this segment market to enhance personal sound experience.

Other product such as speaker, headset, and many more, is not different.

Please enjoy..

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Review : Software Products

Last mega bazaar is a bit shocking.
Why ? Cause there is almost none software vendor from foreign company. So, it is a very clear sign that they don't consider our market as an important one. This is also give a clear signal, that they are not care about war against piracy.

Even if i'm against piracy, but without support, in the next one year, pirated CD stores with its CDs will come back, and will open more store across Indonesia.

Only one stand offer Genuine Software, it is Some of Indonesia company also offer business solution software. Its a good sign that our national product will thrive and fight back in local competition. Also, we hope that our software could survive in regional software market.

SoftwareAsli, offer many products. M Office, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Office 2003/2007, windows 2003 server, Adobe & Macromedia, and antivirus software (such as McAfee, Norton, Norman, & Kaspersky).

How about their price..?
Compared to Bhinneka, their price is a bit cheaper. On quick check, you could get about $3 lower than Bhineka. Just check for your self.

Good luck

Monday, March 12, 2007

Books : The Challenge - Robert G. Allen

But because I failed to get that job, I was forced to look in a different direction, to take a road less traveled. And where has it led me ? To a life of financial freedom. Today, I earn more and work less than even the president of Procter & Gamble, and I wouldn't consider trading places with him for the world.

You see, sometimes God answes prayers by closing doors, not by opening them. And not till years later do we see the wisdom of our failures - when the fruits of our failures become evident. We have to learn to defer judgment until the final verdict. You must learn to see good in every setback. If you do, your failures will not be so painful. Failure, in fact, will no longer be failure, only feedback. (The Challenge - Robert G. Allen)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Review : Internet Products & Services

This review is mainly taken from Mega Bazaar Computer 2007 held in JCC (jakarta Convention Center), 7-11 March 2007. All data gather are from brochure and flyers.

As usual, here is the product & service promoted :

Telkom Speedy. give free activation & Rp 100.000,- modem price for this exhibition. Also giveaway discount & attractive packages.

CBN, as one of the biggest internet provider, promote some of their products, such as : CBN prepaid, CBN Cable Internet, CBN hotspot, CBN wiring, CBn Dial up, CBN @nywhere, & CBN ADSL.Their services is the most complete solution for households and small-medium enterprise.

Shiro, a provider of ADSL modem, promote together with Speedy, provide cheap ADSL modem. You could get their ADSL modem at Rp 375.000,- each.

Prolink, one of IT vendor also promote their ADSL modem here. They also bundle their product with Speedy.

U Net, from Sistelindo, provide Business Network Solution services, U dial -a dial up internet service, & U B-Band (high speed access using ADSL) to their customer.You could start their ADSl services using Limited Home package from Rp 370.000,- for your first payment and monthly only Rp 170.000,-.

Tecom, provide special price started from Rp 100.000,- bundle with Speedy, to provide ADSL Modem. The cheapest offer for ADSL modem in this bazaar.

SMC, also, an IT vendor, provide ADSl modem. Beside that, they also provide Webcam, Wireless VOIP, Wireless LAN, & Switches.

Indonet, a pioner in internet service also promote their services, such as : dial-up, mobile access, internet cable, ADSL, wireless link, hotspot zone, & data center & hosting.

Linksys, specialist in IT networking, provide numerous products. Their products ranged from, wireless internet video camera, router, access point, ADSL modem, and off course thier switchs.

Growell, comes up here, specialize in providing wirelss modem, from CDMA data card, CDMA external modem, CDMA PCMCIA card, &USB wireless modem. They promote their product colaborate with Indosat M2.

LinkPro, introduce their switch & fiber optic converter. Single mode & Multi mode. Their price is also at low bargain.

Indosat M2, bring 3G broadband, boasted that they could deliver up to 2,6 Mbps speed. The fastest in wireless broadband. They also bundled their product with data card modem (HSDPA).

Review : Printing Machine Vendor

This review is mainly taken from Mega Bazaar Computer 2007 held in JCC (jakarta Convention Center), 7-11 March 2007. All data gather are from brochure and flyers.

Here is the exhibitor product & technology.

Digital Sablon, give out a business proposal with low investment capital. They give some package : Digital sablon mug, digital sablon for T-shirt & ceramic, ID Card system, PIN press, & cutting plotter. They also provide machine & material.

Epson, moving fast with its Epson stylus C58, with promo tag 'cost saving for the budget savvy'. As one of big five vendor in printing machine, promote their Epson stylus series, Scanner perfection series, & Epson stylus photo series. It seems they are not going to fight in laserjet system this year.

HP, focus more on Laserjet series, such as Color laserjet, All in one product, mono laserjet, & color laserjet all in one. Trade in promo is also available. Their product series are : Officejet series, Photosmart seriesAll in one, Deskjet, laserjet, & scanner.

Speed, provide client with indoor plotter rental system. You could rent a plotter from them with cheap price, about Rp 1,5 mill/month.

Fuji Xerox, seems come again to competition among print vendor. Focus only on laserjet product, bring their DocuPrint series to public.

Review : Paper & Ink Technology

This review is mainly taken from Mega Bazaar Computer 2007 held in JCC (jakarta Convention Center), 7-11 March 2007. All data gather are from brochure and flyers.

Ink/Toner Refill/Remanufacture
Now, so many toner/ink replacement technology. You could might buy any printer in Indonesia and the next time the ink/toner run out, you could just go to the refiller/remanufacturer. There is a lot of franchise/branch of them. So.. many.

X-Fill, try to offer a perfect solution for ink & toner, boasted that they could refill in place in just 1 minute for any ink/toner.Refill process is also transparent and using Korea Technology.

Print-Rite, emphasize their QC inspection and fully tested ink formula plus 100% post production print test as their promotional tag. In their booklet, their product ranged from HP, Canon, Dell, & Lexmark Inkjet printer. They also supported Canon, Toshiba, Konica, Ricoh, Panasonic, Sharp, Kyocera, & Xerox toner kit to be use in Copiers & Laser machines. In Toner cartridge, their product could replace Brother, canon, Epson, HP, Lexmark, Minolta, Oki, Panasonic, Samsung, & Xerox Laser printer machine. they also have compatible ribbon for dot matrix & fax machine. Beside that, they also provide paper, for photo & inkjet purpose.

Alvacia, promote their infus system. It is a modification of your printer, so it has bigger, external cartridge to be used for comercial/home. They also sell compatible cartridge & refill for laser printer.

Mipo, a new producer, has release their refill produt. Ranged from inkjet/toner cartridge, inkjet/toner refill kit, inkjet/glossy paper & CIS system (infus system, called as Continuous infus system).

Veneta System as one of the first implementer of refill system franchise, also held an exhibition here. Focus on cartridge refill, they are targeting HP, canon, Brother, Lexmark, Canon inkjet/laserjet cartridges. They also provide paper and ribbon cartridge.


Paper One, distribute by DataScript, use Eco Label Promo as their ad line. Guarantee that their paper are from 100% plantation fiber, using Acacia trees. Some of their reason, why they believe paperone is number one are : super high-white paper, double side printing, also having some international standard, such as ISO 9706, 9002, & 14001.

Blue Print, a specialist in home digital photo printing also promote their ink refill pack & photo paper A6 in a bundle.


Grace Head Cleaner is some of the new product. Actually not a new product, but just it is the first time promoted in this big event, collaborate with desk specialist. Its Grace cleaner can solve problem on your head print inkjet. This might be usefull in Indonesia, where many company/household using refill technology for their ink printer usage.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Product : Ms. Visio 2007

My friends asking me today for Visio product, is it still 2003 or if there is a newer one. And wonder about its price.

Based on my small research, I compare Indonesia price with world price :

Indonesia (source : Bhineka per 090307)
Ms Visio 2003 : $149
Ms Visio 2007 Standard OLP (Open License Pack) : $ 211
Ms Visio 2007 Professional OLP : $ 449

Worldwide (source : per 140307)
Ms Visio 2003 between S599 (standard) & $397 (Professional). Strange..
Ms Visio 2007 Standard : $ 223.99
Ms Visio 2007 Professional : $ 490.99

Visio was developed by Microsoft. Look at here to get clearer view.

The new feature of using Visio 2007

  • Auto connect diagram
  • Insert Text box
  • Remove Hidden Information
  • Sample diagram with integrated data
  • Theme feature
  • ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) template
  • more tools on Diagram and Data Integration Tools
  • many more..
Just go tho Microsoft Visio website and test for their demo if you wish.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Product : OfficeStation

You must be aware of thin client system as per my review of this technology on my previous post :

Now, I would like to introduce the applicable product with the same platform technology as thin system. In Indonesia you could find OfficeStation, as introduce in their website : Delivered by Indoasia Teknologi, they promise to be optimize one komputer become 10 client. No need for additional CPU, CD Rom & harddisk. Just add a switch, you could easily reach 30 client system.

Picture : School in japan utilize the products (pict by Phillips).

How can this be implemented ?
Indoasia, introducing three of their superior products, can install the system without hassle. L100 & L200 system, could bring 10-30 client online together utilize only one server at the same time. Meanwhile, without additional switch, X300 could networked upto 7 client to run simultaneously.

Software requirement :
You only need Windows XP for client up to 10 thin system. Windows 2003 and Linux, could establish for about 30 client.

Hardware requirement :
Eventhough its name is requirement, but compared to one CPU package, the additional equipment/peripheral cost is very low. The more client you needed, just need you to install more memory and might be upgrading Processor. But it is far cheaoer than the whole CPU bought.

Plus Side :
Monitor , mouse & keyboard will be available as usual. The good part is you will get a USB port for your USB flash disk (so you won't need an additional harddisk capacity for your user). The good part is that your 'computer' could be connected to a speaker. This is an awesome feature. This product is vey suitable for labs, office, and school or training center. A multimedia center for sure.

The thin client itself is not a breakthrough. But the feature provided here will benefit your organization/company in the long run. No more needed for dedicated IT staff. You will need reduction cost in electricity bill. No more heat and noise from your CPU. And the best side, is that your system is fully secured, cause all data and all system is in one place, can will be monitored consistently. SOHO / small office home office, is the right company to implement this. But school and multimedia training centre will absolutely benefit from implementation of this system.

Product & site are recommended by Phillips.

If you want to know more about system tecnology, refer to :

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Benchmark : Time Needed for Packet Data to Travel from Indonesia to Foreign Site

I bet you will wonder, what is the time needed for a packet data to travel from Indonesia to Foreign Site. Time here, usually known as time out, delay, or travel time. It is a difference between time sent and time received on the destination.

Here, friends have gave me much sample (about 9 legit sample), from various ISP and networks around Indonesia. Test destination target are located at IP address : Test are done from friends local network or their computer for sure.

Table : Test Result : Time travel from indonesia host to foreign (yahoo) site.

As you can see above, ping has three result (as done from Windows based host) : Average time, Maximum time, and Minimum travel time needed.

To analyse above sample, I must remove two strange sample to make analysis easier. Sample 8 & Sample 9. Sample 1-7 will be use. From this sample, we can find conclusion, on how good our internet connection are.

Maximum time : below 352 ms.
What does this ms means. It means that your packet data needed 352 ms to reach destination. This number is a recommended number. If your network is above this number a bit, it might be caused by network congestion, peak time, numerous packet transfer. If the number is above this, might be an indication of bottleneck, virus attack, and even a security breach. When it is far above 352 permanently, your connection might use VSAT, Dial Up, or maybe your site is in remote location. In this case, you might need to replace your ISP and method of connection.

Minimum time : above 241 ms.
If your connection is stable at this rate (between average & minimum), congratulation, you already have a very satisfying connection. If you get better than these number (below 241 ms to reach yahoo from Indonesia), you are blessed. You have nothing to worried about internet connection.

Average time : about 298 ms.
This is number of average time. Whether you above and lower than this, it is a sign that your network connection can perform well in daily task.

So, where is your network performance right now. It might not be a good benchmark system, but i believe, it will help you to determine whether your internet connection are performing at desired level or not. If your network far below the test result, please feel free to benchmark your network with your colleagues or analyze your connection. If you can't find it, you might better check your network configuration and monitor data demand in your corporate.

Upgrade bandwidth is not always a solution, because time needed determine how fast your application get the result on the screen. Many factor determine the result, but anomaly, need, off course, further investigation.

Monday, March 05, 2007 Marketing v.2

Here we go again.

Must our blog have marketing campaign ???

Sure.. Why we should not promote our blog ? IMHO, blog is a place to share stories and information. In my case, i share information, where people usually need to have experienced first, then they know it. Even IT is a belong to everyone, and the biggest information available in internet is about IT, but no one discuss it or share its factual and day-to-day information easily. Everyone talk in abstract and conceptual level, not in an applicable way. That's why, i would like to share information that is available on experience basis.

Also, there is one more thing, why the information is very sensitive. It is because, IT guy, usually have a pride (gengsi euy...) and not willing to share easily. Information is not easily available and not easily share, except to someone respectable, someone in their community, and to their inferior.

Last information : IT guy is a lazy guy. That's why we keep doing things faster and better. And we are lazy to keep it administered or written. :) In the end, off course, everyone enjoy the development of IT technology from all lazy guy in the world. :D

So, information in my point of view, we must have the world know our progress and our information. So novice can learn faster and having a new experience, so they could share again their new knowledge. And not wasting times in learning old method.

Today, one and half month after release. The blog reaching 50 unique visitor per day and already over 1000 visitor (as per ad sense result). 600 unique visitor listed.

Here is the development engine :

  • Google Analytics : . Google analytics is a new way to improve your website, not just a blog. It tooks a small script in to your html file, then the data it gathered, will be compiled. So you could focus your marketing campaign and energy to the right spot and get the best of it. How you could improve things, if it not yet known. Analytics help you to do things in right way. This information is available for free.
  • Google Adsense : Adsense is another way to monetize your blog/web.
  • Cluster Maps (smaller maps) : . This map, brings smaller view. Easy to download. To make a good view from your web.
  • Category Listing. This is to help people looking information easily. I will explain it in detailed post.
  • Donation by Paypal : This is also a way to make money from your site.
  • Locomaps deleted, cause the file to big (225 kb). This is to ensure, everyone get the information from me, not downloading unuseable big picture.

How do i marketing my blog :
  • Main tool : Email marketing through community
  • Main weapon : good content.
  • Email marketing through signature
  • Listing to web service & ads, stopped. Too many listing & automatic listing will have negative effect on Google.
  • Blogroll continue.

Target next 1 months : 100 visitor per day. More than 50% must come from search engine.

Could I achieve this ? Let me know the result and let me know how, if you have any idea. Any idea is appreciated.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Technology : Thin Client System

What is thin client system ? As per definition from Wikipedia :
A thin client, sometimes also called a lean client, is a computer (client) in client-server architecture networks which depends primarily on the central server for processing activities. The word "thin" refers to the small boot image which such clients typically require - perhaps no more than required to connect to a network and start up a dedicated web browser or "Remote Desktop" connection such as X11, Citrix ICA, Microsoft RDP or Nomachine NX. (

Thin Client can be run through various way, such as :

  • As an application/program. An application is running directly through thin client system. Maybe just a shortcut on user computer, and it runs directly program/application on the server.
  • As a new Logon Session (Thin Client System). If you have operating system, this software connect to a server and it will show up a new login session as if you are logon directly. The difference with application above, you are interactively manage through the desktop, so you could open and runs any program permitted.
  • Computer with thin client. Operating System usually installed in device/CPU. OS installed also has limited driver/application/services. Then the only program launched on the first time from booting is thin client system.
  • Device running a thin client system. A device running only with thin client system, no OS loaded, thus minimized load and connecting time. In here, no OS term, is known as boot image.

What is the advantages for my network ?
  • Managed centrally
  • Lower IT admin costs.
  • Easier to secure.
  • Lower hardware costs.
  • Lower Energy Consumption.
  • Worthless to most thieves.
  • Hostile Environments.
  • Less network bandwidth.
  • More efficient use of resources.
  • Simple hardware upgrade path.

The requirement is simple. You need only human interface device (mouse-keyboard), and off course monitor. Thin client solution, will determined type of CPU/computer installed. Whether you need full capacity computer or you need only device with boot image, it all depend on your choice. The absolute factor in thin client is a very reliable infrastructure of networking. You will need 100 mbps speed but with no intermittent problem. But 10 mbps speed is already enough for standard office load.

Can I use it for my company ?
Sure, why not ? Thin client system, primarily designed for corporate environment. Take a look of advantages above, it surely give you a clue where this solution comes from. Also, I already test and run this system for about 10 client and it works great. No real problem on local network. Some of my friend still run about 30 user for his IT environment.

Could I run through my WAN / Internet ?
Why not. My thin application runs as far as US. Main application's server that I used daily is located in Singapore. It is proven to be able to work on enterprise scale.

Can I used it for my critical application ?
Hard to answer... It is used by many multi national company to runs their financial application, due to capability to save user session. User will be able to login again, and restore their last session after network failover (congestion, drop, etc). Also, thin client system usually used to establish connection to countries with limited network infrastructure, such as Indonesia. In this situation, all processing & data center located on regional office and data entry can be done through thin system.

Can I know the technology vendor of this system ?
Micrososft through RDP (remote desktop protocol) & Citrix technology are main provider of thin client software/application. Some device vendor can be searched through search engine.

Friday, March 02, 2007

ISP : Lintasarta

PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta, called by many as lintasarta, lintasartha, lintas artha, or lintas arta, is one of the well known network provider in Indonesia. Its even among the first data communication solution provider.

Established on 1988, to server Bank Indonesia and banking industries. Their portofolio services comes from ATM service and data communication in early 90's. Partnership internationally start since 1993 and acquire many technologies at that time, such as Frame Relay, VSAT, and Online system. In 1995, it start its new venture in Internet services (ISP). Continue to 1998, its Managed Service was launched, then it also known itself as Electronic Transaction Service Provider through its subsidiary, PT Artajasa. Technologies implemented in 2000 era are VSAT IP & VPN IP ADSL. In the last few years, it released new services called VPN Multiservices targeting corporates around Indonesia.

About their services

  • 1000 companies, local or MNC.
  • 10.000 links of networks in Indonesia
  • local offices in 57 cities
  • 900 experienced HR
  • ISO 9001:2000
  • Data communication & services
  • Office automation
  • mission critical environment
  • secured network
  • Their customer ranged from banking, finance, service provider, manufacturing, distribution, transportation, airlines, to information provider.
  • Market leader in data services for banking & financial industry.
  • Pioneer in Frame aRelay networking
  • 24/7/365 customer support service.
  • Network availability up to 99.99%
  • Multi network, multi backbone, & multi media access.
  • Nationwide & worldwide coverage (through EQUANT)
  • Services portofolio : Application, Value added services, value added network, VPN, clear channel & media.

What makes them different :

  • Complete services on Multi media /backbone : VSAT, Wireless, wireline
  • Focus on servicing corporate network through managed services, IP/MPLS, Frame Relay, & X-25 technology.
  • Numerous Value Added Service, mainly in voice, private network, & Internet service.
  • Worldwide coverage : 2.100 cities & 225 countries around the globe

PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta
Menara Thamrin 19th Fl.
Jl. MH Thamrin Kav 3.
Jakarta 10250
Ph. 2302345

Lintasarta article supported by : Ibu Rini / Pak Mulyadi from Lintasarta.
Lintasarta was recommended by : Sulistyo

In the end, as management, your company surely will choose provider that can provide services they need. Also mention that standard of service must suit corporate budget. I believe, target market for such a complete services of Lintasarta is on middle up to top company. Also, Multi national company is also their prefered customer. On low budget company, where internet services providers are many, and price war is so hot, Lintasarta might not be their choice.

In the market, Lintasarta is known as one company that could pull a cable directly to your office. AFAIK, it have license to do it, same like Telkom, no other company have wireline license. Also their price is a bit high for SME, eventhough their guaranteed services is well known. In the street, everyone knows that they are provider for many ATM (Automatic Teller machines) for many banking industries. Their other strength is in supporting many corporate that has branches offices around indonesia.

Where is Lintasarta position among other ISP ? You could found it (also through their subsidiary IDOLA) in my other review :
ISP List :
Internet rates :

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